Saturday, May 27, 2006

Missionary Position of the Democrats

I find it amazing that talk show after talk show on television portray the Democratic Party in Washington with no platform. It has been continual Republicans continually hark there is no plan in the Democratic Party. I guess the major issue has been defense against terrorist activity, so that platform worked until Iraq spiraled into sectarian mayhem. One enlightening talk show had major academicians at a round table debating the issue of probable democracy in the Middle East and Europe. "If you made a list looking at the history of each country, Iraq would have been at the bottom." We invaded them anyway, and now we are in another Viet Nam. Remember? Hopefully our high school students aren't so engrossed in their chat rooms and iPods to remember what Viet Nam was like. From l965 to l975 the United States was at war overseas for democracy. In the l950's we were at war with North Korea. I grew up in this era, and it was a drag. War, murder, and darkness all enveloped the 70's. Now we are in it again with no seeming wisdom from the past. It is difficult to defeat an enemy on their on ground. Indigenous culture always has an advantage over troops transplanted thousands of miles away without their wives and children. The way the Viet Cong did it was with tunnel warfare. The Tunnels of Cu Chi were the strategy "Charlie" used to hold their ground. The simplicity of digging tunnels in the ground kept our American Superpower at bay, until we finally conceded and got the hell out of their. We did not win the war. Many people died, but Richard Nixon ended the siege. It is of no matter he resigned because Watergate. It is of no matter former president Bill Clinton got a "twirl" in the White House. That was not good for Hillary, but it's hard to turn down free presidential sex. JFK screwed Marilyn Monroe in a much higher profile capacity. Well, he died. Bill Clinton just slid around a ridiculous impeachment process. "It depends on the definition of the word 'is.'" Anyhoo, it stands to reason we will never win the war in Iraq. As much as Haliburton or Dubya wants their oil, it continues to go to the Russians and the French. They need it. The demise of the Cold War killed their economy, so they deserve some economic influx. All that aside, I can't understand why this is an issue. Maybe John Kerry didn't have a plan that resonated with America. Maybe people thought a catsup conglomerate was not the right institution for the wife of an American president. A bitch of Heinz that is. A rich boy. A boatshoe wearer. I thought he was intelligent, and with years of Capital Hill experience understood the issues well. Whether or not he would have been able, politically, to implement any of his policies, that is the question. Evidently the American people thought not. It would have been better than what we have now. How the fuck can the Democratic party not have a plan? Did everyone just suddenly lose their freaking minds? Did every issue, every policy crucial to the stability of the US just suddenly lose significance? Has our current government forgotten their jobs? Have they forgotten how to understand issues of life and how to legislate as a result? Okay. We have to recognize what is happening. First, the infrastructure of the US has changed. The manufacturing base has been outsourced. Middle class jobs are on the decline. Why pay Americans to do a job foreign labor will do for a fraction of the price? It creates stability. China is trying to grow their Middle Class with better jobs and wages, because it is an investment in the country and their future. We are doing the opposite. That is why their currency value is beginning to exceed the American dollar. With bucketloads of war debt and the War on Terror, we as a nation of lost sight of the core values of Americans. Antiquated old farts on Capital Hill don't have a clue because the US has changed. That tired "Leave it to Beaver" model of America, that single income family unit is no longer the majority. In fact single people exceed married couples in the population for the first time in our history. The 50% divorce rate would aide that. There is no visible Mainstream at the moment. No one knows what America thinks, feels, or consider important in their lives. There is no current pop culture. Fashion, art, and life as we once knew it are dead. There are no poets of our time, because no one understands what is going on. Why not? Well, when spinning the news rather than reporting it to cover up covert motive becomes paramount, it becomes difficult to understand what is happening in government. What is the plan? Well, there has been no plan except "Fight the war on terror." In my opinion that makes for a much easier presidency. If all you have to do is get up everyday and fight the war on terror, then each and every domestic issue that concerns the populace of America becomes subordinate. Social Security, health care, education, and the arts all take a big back seat to Homeland Security. When you are busy simply defending the nation, the nation itself kind of ceased to exist. All the good news, the good feeling, the essence of our culture just disappeared. In its place seemed to appear, Survivor, American Idol, and "You're fired." What the fuck was that? Here are television shows that bring the state of humanity to the seeming lowest common denominator, for the sake of entertainment. Eating grubs. Diving for fish. Etcetera. Was that really entertaining? Does that foreshadow the decline of the United States. Is cyberwar and other visions of our near future really our destiny? Will the world be covered in water, and we all will be reduced to Mad Max like warriors scavaging gasoline living in the rubble of nuclear fall out? Well I guess if that is the plan of the Democratic Party. Do we know, or do Democrats really have a Bridge to the 21st Century? Clinton seemed to. Hillary, to me, has the clearest view of what American values are. Just listen to her speak and it all seems to make sense. Look at the current state of affairs and non of it makes sense. I prefer rational thought with a plan to waking up everyday with millions of dollars in the bank thinking, "Who can I play with today? Osama? Will he play with me on the playground, or will he make fun of my donkey ears? Have I ever had to think about anything? Philosophy? Art? History? A difficult situation and reach my own conclusion? These are things are Senate and House are supposed to be doing. In Fayetteville officials seemed amazed that GI's don't frequent our downtown area. Over a decade ago somebody decided to clean it up. The barrage of bars and strip clubs disappeared, and now we have an up-scale movie theater that shows the same shit as any other theater. We have a coffee shop. He have one bar/restaurant. This in itself typifies a failed vision. Who is making these decisions about our town? It has to be the Bible Belt of the south. "Lets all put on our Sunday best and go sit in Huske Hardware and keeps our mouths shut and pay way too much to have a good time." The GI's decided that is not what they want. If you were in the field with no women around all week, what would you want to do? Ask yourself. Non married, non rich, non Republican poor GI. What would you want to do? Survey says, drink a beer. Look at some scantily clad women. Try to get laid. Play a game of pool. Shout a little. Dance to some loud Rock 'n' Roll. You wouldn't want to go sit in a coffee shop and talk on your cell phone or play on your laptop. Is that human? We, I think, as a nation have lost sight of what humanity is. Maybe it was the advent of the personal computer, AOL, and E-Mail. Maybe it was the cell phone. I don't think any of that substitutes for the Freudian notion that our "ID" is what drives the human being. Republicans and big business can continue to try to mold our world into their agenda, a CVS, WalGreens, or Eckerts on every freaking major intersection of every road. Mountainous aisles of millions of products that require record levels of concentration to decipher. Long lines and no help in stores. Every other dehumanizing vision that has come into existence in the last five years. What is happening?

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