Thursday, August 04, 2005

Influence of Video Games

Hollywood filmmakers take note. Stop trying to fuse video gaming with cinema. There is NO concept that is going to work to enhance movies, because good movies are about real people, humanity, not fictitious superheros. The quicker you guys figure this out, the better chance the movie industry has of regaining some ground. Just think how ludicrious it looks. Enter movie, Mindhunters. The first real fight that breaks out, I can't believe my eyes. All this real life drama and all of a sudden Joe Schmoe from Idaho looks like Donkey Kong! His movements are animated, jumping around like a video game character. I'm so sick of seeing people fight, and fight, and fight, and what else? Fight, and fight, and fight. Mad Max has arrived ladies and germs, and boy will I ever be glad when he leaves the building. Video games are games, no relationship to real life, to movies, to anything, so give up on it. Yes the entertainment gurus want to "blur the line between reality and fiction, so no one can tell where one starts and the other begins." Exsqueeze me? Sound like Big Brother? Sound like some right wing asshole is going to be broadcasting propaganda here pretty soon in the US of A. I like this new movie that is coming out with Ice Cube. Storm Washington DC and wipe 'em all out. Did you know our military presence in the states is in a severe state of understaffing? When your country becomes the police dog of the world, your troops presence in your own country dwindles to almost nothing. Enter Ice Cube. Coup de tat is it? Pop culture is in the dregs. We know this. Until another Madanna comes along and sets a fashion trend, supported by some peppy, positive music, with some hip dance moves, pop culture is going to suffer. Anime is not going to do it. Until a Grunge faction erupts, a drug culture other than thugs and ganstas, an anti-war mission, a disco ball craze, our modern pop society is in stasis. Crumpin' is not going to be it. Clowning is not going to be it. Not that there is anything wrong with finding positive energies in which to direct your motivation, but that doesn't make it art. Hip/Hop is dead. Rap is dead, and as soon as the fashion statement loses it backing by music, it makes those wearing it look like cartoon characters. I'll never forget the times I am getting coffee at a college cafe and some guy in fatigue pants, combat boots, with ammunition strapped around his shoulders comes walking up the street! "Hey man, you lost all your little playmates and your GI Joes." What could they be thinking? Punks on the other hand I have no trouble with. They have positive energy, they have a flare for fashion, and they are colorful. Pretty colors, weird hair, jewelry. The punk movement is valid and will be around forever. Just ask Sid and Nancy. The thug business? It's already gone. Does it make us nerdy to look to education for values, for direction, for wisdom and knowledge on a planet so seemingly desolate you would be hard pressed to find a humane gesture anywhere? Artists look in the streets, they try to become the pulse of the nation. They try to open themselves up to what is happening in the world, examine it, accomadate it, use it, make some sense out of it. When all you receive is negativity when you open yourself up it is time to pull yourself up by the bootstraps, change the way it is, and make things better. The war in Iraq is NOT making us a better place at the moment. Neither are $2.00+ oil prices. (Oh, record gains for the Exxon corporation) Infrasonic pollution from diesel/electric trains is not helping humanity. Neither is heat produced from 5000 airplanes flying over the US at any given time. Global Warming? Just take a look around. It doesn't take a genius to figure out. Electromagnetic waves of every frequency everywhere. Not too long ago microwave frequencies weren't even licensed by the FCC for use in communication. Look at what we have now. Everyone and their brother has a cell phone. We should call them what they are, microwave transmitters. Everytime the Navy does an experiment with SONAR, the whales high tail it for the beach rather dying that listening to that noise. All for what? Extremist Islamism? The war on terror? Or is it oil?

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