Monday, August 01, 2005

Homosexuality in America

What message would your teen be receiving if they were growing up in modern day America? Let's ammend the Constitution of the United States to allow gay marriage? I guess this supercedes the seperation of church and state, the elimination of God from our schools and workplace. Let's furthur degrade the moral and ethical possibilities of our children by inforcing in our public institutions there is no place for a "God." What the hey? Hey man, how was this nation founded? Puritans, hypocrites, Mormans with ten wives? Husbands that have sex with their daughters? This isn't Jamaica man. Incest is bad, and all those bad genes really do produce those horrific birth defects you see in the medical books. God, who would want to live in Jamaica, except for the marijuana? "Drugs are bad, 'kay," so Southpark says. What incentives to the good old US of A give to youths to be straight? Can you think of one? A strict upbringing with no dating? No carousing, no late night car rides, no movies. Oh but we suggest drunken fraternity parties at the lake with kegs of beer and football quarterbacks and cheerleaders with no clue about anything, much less a sexual relationship. In fact, it seems today sex is bad, very bad. The religious right is saying what? "Get what you can, can it, and sit on the can." Not "Go out and try to feel a girl up. Find out what it is like to feel your God given sexuality, your hormones, your ID that Freud says is the main component of who you are." I agree. When I wake up everyday and can't feel or remember what it is like to want a woman, when my natural sexual drive that I am so familiar with is confused and unsupported, I want to put a bullet through my head. Who knew that your quest for the Holy Grail in life would be waking up everyday with the joyous feeling of heterosexuality, the Seven Brides for Seven Brothers mentality of just knowing that this was your purpose in life? Take joy in the knowledge that you love women... or men and love them in the likeness of God. No turmoil, no confusion, just happiness. Gone are those days, Obi Wan. America you see is the country that learned to SELL sex. Sex in the US is a commodity meant to be packaged, sold, skewed, manipulated, and further debased into a state of metrosexuality. What? We should act submissive and homosexual so the crab people can take over the world? I can attest to it. If I could wake up everyday and know who I was because of the feeling in my loins, the God given desire to want to be with a woman, I would be in heaven. Now it seems if that will never come, and by God if you commit suicide, you are sentenced to an eternity in hell. Not such a great prospect. Why is this? Why do we as a society frown upon healthy heterosexual relationships? Because they are empowering. Empowering in a way that allows the human spirit to overcome the grief and hardship that is everyday life. Empowering in a way that would allow the Republican Right to further manipulate us into beliefs of terror, afraid for our very existance, clinging at the coat tails of the very political regime that is about to bring our world to an end? I beg to differ. Don't trust the soap box that is the "tube." Selling soap is not setting moral precident for the youth of America. Art is what leads, not television. History tells the story of what is to come, not blind propagandic prophecy. It has all happend before, and if you take the time to look at Western Civilization, the history of Europe, you know what is to come. It is not really a pretty picture. The black plague? A Schism. I think that seems quite probable in our divided little America. A modern Civil war that truly divides the right and the left. Pilgrimages, great missions, war, and war, and war? Or civilization? Civilization like we know it can be. Trust, respect, humility, love, friendship, compassion. Not greed, corruption, hatred, violence, and death. You see, if you really look at it, Socialism doesn't seem all that bad as a political ideology. All are taken care of, food, drink, vodka, sex, art, life, happiness, humanity, all in return for a little work for the "state." But that damn corruption. It's everywhere. Simply think about this. When you die, do you want to be alone and wealthy? Or do you want to have friendship and support from others? You choose.
What does this country offer our youth in reward for heterosexuality? Popularity? Media coverage? A movie script? Clothing? A future? How do we as a country reinforce that heterosexual behavior is correct, or at least what is represented in most of history and the bible? Is it insipid? Is it boring? Is it sexual harrassament? Is it date rape? Is it herpes? Is it AIDS? Funny how a disease just appears out of the blue effecting only homosexuals and intrevenous drug users. Weird, kind of. I don't want it. I don't want Playboy. Hugh, you went off course way over a decade ago with the pixilization, the fixer upper of the bad skin, the hair, the pubes. I can't think of a more unappealing female then what you are representing in Playboy. Take a minute, climb the ladder into that dusty attic, and peruse an issue or ten of Playboy in the 50's and 60's. Man, those women are sexy, free, natural, untouched by the modern mouse of graphic improvement. America has lost touch with sensuality. It doesn't sell. Sex, ladies and germs, is a God given priviledge that is not meant to be marketed and sold, unless it is the harmless act of prostitution. Forget the strip clubs, the Gentlemen's Clubs, the dating services. Why shell out your hard earned dollar to see a complete stranger dance on a pole, when you can get laid for less money? Because the good old U.S. of A says it is illegal. Enter the picture, rape, kidnapping, pedafilia, molestation, and the list goes on. In Acapulco you can have that God given Jones itched by a 22 year old Columbian sweetheart for $80.00. They even throw in a finger massage, some kind banter, and a few beers. That's because it is a God given urge. It is not a crime to want to have sex. It is our nature. It is the debasing, misrepresenting, and selling of images of frustrated sex that give us problems. If the movies would show successful purpose, people dealing with life in a successful way, solving our problems, seeing through the scrim of democracy, being born to sell a product, and just see we are human beings, things would be alot better in the America. Revel in the love of your high school sweetheart. Love your wives and husbands. Love your children. Leave this confusion and darkness behind and set the example for what should come, in the likeness of God. God gave us sexuality, marriage, and children. How much longer are we going to @#$% it up?

1 comment:

Ash2k said...

rightly said dude. But all these things aren't confined to the US, it's happenin everywhere.