Friday, January 31, 2025

America's Current Predicament

I have refrained from blogging for a reason, so I won't use the words genocide and Fauci in the same sentence.  We had to be patient until the former CDC Director, Robert Redfield M.D. decided to sing.  Perhaps a trained medical doctor with decades of professional leadership experience merits credible opinion on the Covid pandemic.  It was no surprise to me what he said, but clearly he felt the outbreak was an accident.  The pathogen had been developed, engineered, and manufactured for use as a weapon.  Repeat.  If that was the purpose of the virus, then America cannot hide from the truth.  We are hiding now.  I won't read the news or take it seriously, because it is inciting political rhetoric.  The newly elected President does not merit anyone taking him seriously.  Yes, he is the leader of the free world and the Commander in Chief of America's fighting forces, so the capability for the destruction of democracy is tangible.  The virus exists, and those involved with making it have perished.  A convenient alibi for the manufacturing of a deadly virus that killed hundreds of thousands of people exists.  If only by reading the news in the last few years, we know who sanctions such activity, poisoning your political enemies or malcontents in your country's populace.  Who does this?  Until now the United States has honored the Geneva Convention, and many non-lethal weapons have been discontinued.  The pattern that has emerged with a convicted felon at the helm of America's military is concerning.  The overall prospectus of this returning administration is eliminating oversight of all corporate activity.  Businesses, companies, or industries have become graven images given free reign to operate as they please with no concern for the health and well being of the American people.  American history is rife with such examples, and the tobacco industry became the step child of sheer greed and wealth.  Lacing tobacco with addictive chemicals is not dissimilar than over prescribing opioids, nor is it different from polluting America's water shed with PFAS.  America has not had an example of good-hearted Christian behavior in years.  On the contrary our nation has tried diligently to eliminate the presence of God altogether.  We are a changed nation, and not for the better.  Previously when I become vocal about America's issues, often I am punished.  This is possible because of the prospectus about which I am writing.  Businesses, companies, and manufacturers are treated like gods, although their moral and ethical policies have waned.  While I do not feel America's government has been "weaponized" in any way, I do see blatant and glaring examples that corporate America has been.  It is too easy.  For government agencies created to help and protect the American people to somehow inflict harm on them instead is ridiculous.  Instead these agencies get "unfunded" through government lead by unethical leaders.  Because of the Covid, the proliferation of PFAS in America's water, the opioid epidemic, and the massive and growing amount of electromagnetic radiation surrounding our homes oversight is crucial.  It has been proven again and again corporate America is not capable of operating ethically.  Our food supply has become the most urgent of these problems.  "Soylent Green is people!"  With this trend of immunity and the hijacking of America's courts, truly we should be alarmed.  If other countries are examples the military easily can be converted to a private security force for use against the people.  I am not sure if the mission statement of America's fighting forces is so clear anymore.  We do not know who the enemy is, and we are being coerced or badgered into fighting among ourselves because of our racial and cultural differences.  There is a plan in play with the second Trump administration, and how tiresome it is for the legal system to have to be the police of democracy?  Every executive order will be met with a lawsuit challenging its Constitutionality.  It is a recipe for political disaster and a catalyst for assassination.