Sunday, April 30, 2023

The Demonization of Hetero

 In all logic the enemy of heterosexuality is communism.  We all have seen clips of movies where communist regimes target known homosexuals.  Usually like in the film "Citizen X," the culprit is a homosexual party official trolling for meat.  America exhibits a similar aberration now often trying to demonize good.  Evil men are quick to point the finger at others.  In America we never had heard of a stolen election until Donald Trump spoke about it.  The proof is in the pudding.  If you listen to what Donald Trump has said publicly he prosecutes himself with no need for an attorney.  If there were one thing that threatened a militaristic, dictatorial, and humanly oppressive society, it would be sex.  The sexual revolution in America, if even we can remember what that was, would be a giant threat to the little tight white asses of Putin, Un, and the rest.  Sex is like jazz.  If you swing then you swing, and most people don't.  Being able to actualize one's own happiness through sexual expression with a partner would be a major threat to communist oppression.  Two strikes for Bonzo.  No jazz, because it makes you feel good, and no sex for the same reason.  America, or whoever is pulling the strings, wants us to be afraid, miserable, and desperate.  The God-given, biological, hormonal pallet of sexual desire is the enemy for communists.  America has changed.  Once sexual desire was at the forefront of culture.  It drove much of television.  It was in the rebellion of rock music.  It was in the movement of soul and R&B.  Sex drove the music industry for a long time.  What do we have now?  We are submerged in a distasteful counter culture against our wills.  Only now are we beginning to realize that this liberal bent isn't necessarily liberating.  Using abortion as contraception?  This isn't right.  It is your duty as an adult to be sexually responsible and prevent unwanted pregnancies.  We used to teach this in our schools.  It was the number one thing I by which I abided all of my years of high school.  I felt that without music and sexual awareness and desire, life wasn't worth living.  Then indoctrination ensued and replaced love with malice, hate, and violence.  It was so seamless with Japanese video games presenting the examples, no one knew what hit them.  We just enjoyed shooting everything up, and the culture of warfare became our entertainment.  Still when you turn on the television, action and violence are the easiest fodder for ratings.  I am from the Old School, and I know better.  The sexual tension and desire between heterosexual adults is a powerful force.  It was provided by the Creator, and these hormonal longings are animal in nature.  We can feign civility and pompous self worth, but what we should be nurturing in our culture is love and love promulgated by physical lust.  It is no sin.  It is not evil.  It is not demonic.  If anything is negative it is pretending to be someone your not or a sexual identity you have chosen for yourself despite how you were born.  This entire campaign, and I mean campaign of LGBT has been nothing more than a radicalized attempt at achieving power.  The public doesn't care if you are gay, because it should be a private matter.  Sexuality is a private affair.  We have been manipulated in this way just like so many other ways since the Trump presidency.  Many militant lesbians (who really are just feminists renamed) simply hate white men.  Gay men hate straight men and do their best to stop the heterosexual interaction of men and women.  It is called "Cock Blocking."  Ten years on ships, and I never got laid once.  I will not give up.  I will not stop my resistance to this "Gay Mafia."  I will continue to adore women and what makes them women and different from me.  I will admire their bodies, their attributes, and their animal traits.  They were made this way for a reason, and no one every really loves you for your mind.  They love you for how you look, how you speak, what you say, and how you respond emotionally.  The entire right wing, extreme, zealot movement is just an attack on the human race and her ability to survive.  Someone is trying to destroy the planet. 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

"Kill Dee White Mon!"

Let's turn to politics, shall we?  McCarthy and the GOP are nothing more than traitors.  Pussy grabbing Donald Trump ignited Jim Crow Jr., and this time it is the Republican Party who decided to secede from our union.  They violently attacked the United States Capital and our democratic lawmakers, and tried to stop Joe Biden from being elected President.  America is nothing more than an aberrant third world nation, but in tight-lipped, limey, British good faith we have feigned civility and slowly are defeating this coup.  As time goes by the severity, complexity, and direness of our situation is unfolding.  In short our own Americans, our brothers and sisters, have attacked us.  Truly it is a remarkable event in this centuries history.  The reason why America has not erupted into bloody civil war is because Americans don't want this.  We stand for peace, serenity, and happiness; it is a small, radical, extreme, and misguided faction of malcontents who have waged this war.  We need to continue to mitigate them quietly and efficiently.  America needs to come to grips with the phrase, "Attacking our own."  Most who had an opinion did not want 5G.  Inasmuch as I do not admire or support the ethical practices of the aviation industry, they expressed concern and opposition to emerging 5G wireless networks.  Now servicemen have died, and it is logical that this speculation from the aviation industry was correct.  There is too much airborne activity.  Why are helicopters dropping out of the sky?  It is because everyone is vying for use of these microwave wireless frequencies.  Who will win?  An entire Apache helicopter fleet calls Simmons Army Airfield home, but I have not seen the sensor arrays atop their rotors yet.  If my musical instruments, my home wireless network, and my old school audio components are disturbed by this aberrant airborne radiation, why would military be immune?  Because they have bigger dicks?  Just because yours is bigger doesn't mean you are not susceptible to the same bacteria.  Helicopters are falling from the sky and servicemen are dying unnecessarily.  We are being attacked by our own people.  It has become a civil war, and we don't even know it.  I know it.  We are mute, seemingly civil, and waiting patiently for something to happen.  I am not a survivalist, but I am edging that direction.  Water may run out.  The power may disappear.  We will be responsible for defending and maintaining ourselves.  If Washington and the Federal Reserve cannot monitor and handle our banking and monetary system, what next?  Another Great Depression, and our money disappears into smoke?  Seems plausible.  I went to the bank today, and they had to scurry to find paper money.  It was newly printed money, and that was frightening.  Does it have any value, this newly printed money?  Where is the old money?  It is an urban jungle.  Shopping is like a jungle, but we aren't being attacked yet.  Rarely do I see anyone who resemble me, so my mantra has become, for humor's sake, "Kill dee white mon." For some reason it eases the tension.  

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Well Water, Broken Washers, and Guarantees

 As I sit and listen to my dryer tick away, it will have been the third time I have had to empty my stalled washer.  Tonight with a siphon, an amber piece of plastic tubing I have kept since the early 1970's, I retrieved three two gallon pails of water from the stopped washer basket.  (Misty Black basket)  I fixed the washer last night engaging in the process I have learned by rote.  Small thin nails slip through the strainer and clog the impeller.  I knew when I was washing in a rush last week that something would find its way to this impeller.  I have an uncanny sense for things to come.  As I suspected the washer stalled again, and I performed the routine maintenance of tilting it back and removing the hose from the basket to the impeller.  Usually when you tip the washer back up to let its water drain out, the culprit usually drops out on the bathroom floor.  I found a yellow bread tie, but I am not sure it was the item that caused the stall.  I put it all back together and it ran a run of clothes.  It ran fine all the way through the cycle, but the motor was exceptionally loud humming like it was in great pain.  I suspected it was on its last legs, and it was.  Today it stopped again mid wash and would not restart.  I was too tired to take the bathroom door down again, pull the dryer out, and do the routine all over again.  Instead I drained the water out of the basket, six gallons worth, and hand wrung my clothes in the sink.  Now they are drying, so at least I can get closure and think about purchasing another washing machine.  This machine was a Maytag, and it had a five year warranty.  Year six it decides to quit.  Also it has a ten year warranty on parts, but by the time I get a repairman and he orders the parts, I will be in need of clean clothes.  Time for a new washer.  All of this was a distraction from the main event of yesterday, which was the replacing of our backyard well pump.  I was quoted a price for a replacement unit, the same as what we have had for years, and when they came to do the work, "Presto, chango."  This pump was not available, and if it did become available it was going to be $400.00 more than the quote.  Instead they put in a lesser brand of pump with half the horsepower.  Needless to say it does not suck the water up.  It is a drizzle, and a drizzle is not acceptable for the amount of money I paid them.  I knew that this pump was going to be problematic, but they will make more profit from installing it.  If it does not do the job, they must make it right, and that is where we are.  I put a stop payment on the check.  Ouch!  That takes the worry squarely off of my shoulders and puts it on theirs.  It was too much money let the gamble ride.  Let's see what happens. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Circus Left Town (with one exception)

 Time to blog.  Back in the day adolescents wrote in paper diaries.  When we got to school sometimes we were required to pen a journal. When I was asked to prepare a journal for an academic class, I never did.  At UNC-Chapel Hill my music education program was hindered by the hiring of a new professor whose major responsibility was to conduct the Wind Ensemble.  At this he did well.  He was an accomplished conductor, and he had an affable southern demeanor which resonated with the Sandhills Carolina students.  A few students were from out-of-state, so a mitigation took place.  This mitigation is at play in North Carolina now, and it is getting ugly.  North Carolina has deep grassroots heritage.  Back in the day our state was known for this.  Furniture manufacturing in High Point and this Market's annual show were well known.  Tobacco was the most well known indigenous state product, and R.J. Reynolds was head-quartered in Winston Salem.  (or was it Greensboro?)  Tourism was an important slice of the pie graph in North Carolina's domestic product, and her wonderful sandy beaches were notable.  You could even snow ski in the winter in the Appalachian Mountains.  North Carolina was known for having both beaches and mountains within a days drive.  There are cultural roots too like music, pottery, basket-weaving, and other things.  The formula has changed, and "The Electronic Age" has usurped most of the American national economy.  Think "Nationwide 5G Coverage."  Nationwide this and that.  The Furniture Market left Burlington, so hand made, quality, wood furniture is rare.  Our furniture today is cheap Chinese-made junk.  (I really don't know where it is made, but I wouldn't buy it)  This change in available goods has made me begin to appreciate what I all ready have.  Our kitchen needs a facelift, but as a quality carpenter pointed out our cabinets, built in 1962, are better than anything you get today.  A refurbishment is better.  Repair any weaknesses in your wood and paint.  You come out ahead.  April makes the one year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.  (It seems like longer.)  The bug out this week (and readily they don't inform civilians because of the "Hush Hush" nature of military operations), must have been the 525th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade under the 18th Airborne Corp.  It makes sense, because their preparatory activity makes Fayettenam the guinea pig of foreign combat.  We are not.  Residents of Fayetteville are not the enemy, but how can they tell the difference?  After 9/11 the Patriot Act made available everyone's personal information, and the NSA still is collecting data on innocent Americans.  Social Media has become a pariah, a predator, and a promiscuous lover forsaking the secrets of her exploited prey.  Rapidly "Big Brother" is sewing a biofilm of scrutiny with polysaccharides, and average Americans are obese with this addictive sugar.  If one looks closely there is an expansive, sticky, enveloping canopy smothering Americans.  It is foodborne, internetborne, and television borne.  The soil, air, and human hosts are rife with invading pollutants, but finally health care and nutritional specialists are realizing.  Can I get off omeprazole?  Life has been more trying and difficult than in our lifetimes, so I felt it was time for this challenge.  We escaped bloody foreign  war on the home front, but our enemies have become ourselves.  It has been a slick, covert, strategic assault on our democratic republic, and it has come from within.  America all ready is overtaken (McCarthy), but because freedom has been preserved the fight rages.  In a nutshell the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution was enacted for this reason.  When the nation and its governance becomes so corrupt then:  "A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."  It is the responsibility of local and state governments to limit the legal and honest sale of firearms to those citizens deemed incapable of acting maturely, responsibly, honestly, and possessing acknowledgement and empathy for their fellow citizens.  Government is the logical institution to oversee the people, if government still is good, honest, and free of corruption.  When our government is overwrought with parasites gaming the system, it becomes our own responsibility to make these decisions.  It is unfortunate that mental health in America has been neglected, and paranoid, overzealous, extreme citizens are killing innocent neighbors.  Probably the way it was in "The Old West" (if ever there was such a thing) your family had to function as its own judicial and legislative bodies upholding a broad interpretation of American ideals.  God plays a major role in this governance, and the absence of His teachings through church are the major void in our domestic civility.  If Americans sought to pattern ourselves after God through lessons learned from his Disciples, then many of the problems of our modern society would resolve.  We could live in peace and serenity.  Someone or something has a different agenda, and his name is Satan.  The only way to defeat him is to bring God closer into our lives.  Religion was not my chosen topic today.  My chosen topic is the continual, enveloping, sticky, smothering blanket of ISR in today's military and the whore of an aviation industry in North Carolina.  Why do we need supersonic jets?  Who is in such a hurry that we need to get somewhere ten minutes sooner than before?  We as a planet need to wean ourselves off of the burning of fossil fuels, so supersonic flight is counter productive.  Our daily lives are invaded by airborne surveillance, and this microwave based radio interferes and hijacks our own purchased, paid-for, wireless products.  I for one am glad that the 525th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade has left the building, because Fayetteville and Cumberland Country are reeling like a spent prostitute.  Exploited.  Might I say Fayetteville Block, once  I-295 is completed, will be all dressed up and no place to go.  All of the expansion at that concrete plant on the CBD Loop, and once those federal, pentagon, DOD dollars dry up for the construction of this massive outer loop, whence will the contracts come?  You could build a huge concrete dome over Fayetteville to shield us from the Army's ISR planes and satellites.  I foresee many cement trucks hitting the road, because there will be nothing in Cumberland Country except Fort Liberty that could use that much cement.  They will sell the company to the Chinese or a Mexican conglomerate. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

It's the Airborne Electricty That Will Kill Us

Each time I stumble upon a promotional webpage spewing propaganda about a new wireless protocol,  I cringe.  (Once there was a punk band named "The Cringe?)  Tonight it is "FRMCS," yet another acronym penned to promote a bogus political candidate.  "Number one- blah, blah.  Number two- blah, blah, blah.  Number three- blah."  Joe Biden did this.  Where is he?  What is FRMCS from Ericsson?  My instincts always tell, because if you pay attention to your body it will tell you what is wrong.  "Why is my skin burning when my ears are ringing?"  It used to be my tinnitus was unmistakable.  With the ringing in my left ear inevitably came the sound pressure waves, the feeling of my own heart beating, and the host of other effects caused by infrasonic pollution.  Now my skin burns along with the tinnitus.  What causes your skin to burn other than infrared surveillance?  There are enough Apache helicopters around, spy planes, and Robin Sage participants to kill a goat.  All of them to one degree or another use microwaves to win.  Whether it is targeting, surveillance, or communication microwaves have become the core of wireless communication thanks to Bill Clinton.  Will he be playing cards with "The Donald" in hell with Satan?  Looks like it.  "There's still time, Bill."  Be saved and accept Christ.  So not all 5G uses millimeter waves, but Verizon does.  Their top rung service does use millimeter waves, and millimeter waves according to numerous, scholarly, medical studies deeply penetrate skin.  If your skin all ready has an ailment, say an infection of fungus or bacteria, then 5G millimeter waves are not for you.  Do I have a choice?  Can I opt out of millimeter waves?  What is CSX decides to use millimeter waves to control remotely two miles long freight trains, so they don't have to pay engineers?  So if everything becomes autonomous in space, in the air, and on the ground like "Terminator 3" predicts, (Skynet and other movies) what are the lowly mutants on the ground supposed to do now?  If we know we are being radiated, are we supposed to revel in our ugliness?  Is our newfound absurdity of appearance actually a survival mechanism to prop up our low esteem?  If we are fat, lazy, and androgynous is loving ourselves Christlike?  Possibly these things are true, but if we know we are being abused like original American slaves is it not our duty to rebel?  Do we take the beatings, say, "Yes massah," and smile until we die?  Or do we empower ourselves, create the Black Panther Party, and resist domination?  Blacksploitation is just a term for defending one's self.  If they murder MLK and Malcolm X, the righteous leaders of the civil rights movement, then what next?  Passive protest?  Love ins?  Looting?  Perhaps the most effective deterrent isn't passivity.  Perhaps when the bully pushes to hard, because he is wrong, retribution is merited.  That retribution can be far more wise, strategic, and effective than grunts flying a plane.  It is daunting, armed ISR aircraft fast enough to dodge a bullet, but when a cunning redneck senator decides to provide an RPG to an Afghan, the Russian choppers begin to drop out of the sky like hunted quail. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Let Them Suck Jet Exhaust

When I moved back to Fayetteville from Columbus, "In the Year 2000" (in the ephemeral words of Conan O'Brien), white noise had set up shop.  I drove up in my parent's driveway, shut off the car, and stepped onto the lawn of of my second childhood home.  "Static in My Attic from Channel Z" was amidst.  The white noise was an antagonizing mistress whose wrath equaled that only of a scorned woman.  Newly arrived in Fayettenam, promptly I attempted the discern the source of this ocean of sound.  I discovered a chair factory with an airborne cooling tower, and it screamed 100 decibels of mind-numbing static.  Just across Hybart's Creek, a holler and line of demarcation of our neighborhood down the street, a new complex of businesses had popped up.  I ventured over and found dozens of individual air conditioner compressors lining Executive Place.  "Was this the source of this horrendous noise?"  I thought so and wrote a letter to the Fayetteville Observer, which they never published.  Only years later after entering Harris Teeter through their clandestine back entrance and seeing satellite dishes in the parking lot did I discover that a defense contractor also had set up shop.  A defense contractor?  What in tarnation was a military defense company doing hidden in the back of a Harris Teeter grocery store?  More importantly it was adjacent to a newly-built fortified brick building with no sign.  In between the two was a high voltage shed, and from it must have been coming these sheets of sound that were not of Coltrane origin.  With a little research on them internets, I found the brick building was in actuality an arms room.  Its responsibility was to keep track of all weapons at Fort Bragg.  That is a daunting job, and evidently they needed L3 to do it properly, L3 now being L3/Harris.  The large satellite dishes in the back parking lot of Harris Teeter were for them, and now we lived in Stalag 13.  (except we were in the United States of America)  The arms rooms operated here for a long time when finally with the building of I-295 more industrial space became available.  Cumberland Country purchased this property, and now it is the combined call center for emergency services for the city of Fayetteville.  L3 up and left town, but now they firmly are ensconced in an office complex next to the All American Expressway.  What is the point of this narrative?  The infringement of our civil liberties in our middle-class neighborhood were from these two entities.  When we are at war, of course, the President can do anything including commandeering your property with Imminent Domain.  When the residents of an upper class Colorado neighborhood sued to stop commercial flights from bombarding their neighborhood, a Trump-appointed judged threw the case out before it could be heard.  Hundreds of hard working, upstanding, American citizens' lives were effected negatively whe the FAA made a decision to to fly planes over their suburban neighborhood.  Now the same thing is happening in Fayettenam, and tonight Delta bypassed the runway, made a left turn, and flew over Fayetteville at two thousand feet, because it sames them time and money.  They don't have to turn around and taxi back to the terminal.  Meanwhile every single person underneath their flight path sucks their jet exhaust in the wonderful hour of dusk.  Isn't life in America grand?

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

The New Wall Street Boys Club

 Back in the day kids enjoyed playing in the woods.  You might smoke cigarettes stolen from you parents dresser.  You might enjoy the taste of your first malt liquor. (whatever that is!)  If you were with your girlfriend or boyfriend you might make out.   The woods were a friendly and inviting respite from the scrutiny of school and parents.  I have spent many hours playing in the woods, and survivalist instincts are a useful, prudent, and necessary part of American life.  Our forefathers lived off of the land as did native Americans.  If you live off the land you have a respect for the force which provides your sustenance.  If you are a member of the Swamp, then you are a spoiled rich-kid millionaire whose wealth came in a trust fund.  They only skills you have are moving money around on paper.  At a base human level, which includes our senses and emotions, it would be more fun to play in the woods.  You hunt your prey, cook it, and enjoy the satisfaction of accomplishment.  You are practicing conservation.  Often I wonder  in what dimension Wall Street traders are operating.  There is the satisfaction of closing deals and earning money, but when push comes to shove paper and pencil will not provide a meal.  Someone has to grow or butcher the food.  A chef or cook must prepare the meal.  Someone must serve it to you.  America would make great strides if we began to cook for ourselves and wean ourselves off of US Foods.  The regimen of cooking it important to everyday life the way music is.  These habits or skills provide us with identity, purpose, and health.  (both mental and physical)  Why do not more Americans cook?  Why do not kids play in the woods?  Our souls are disengaged, because we are addicted to third party drugs.  Fast food, video games, tobacco, and fast living have deprived of us of the simple pleasures of human life.  If I ran for president my slogan would be, "Slow down!"  If we did slow down and pay attention to what is around us, in person and not on an artificial video screen, then life may have a new meaning.  It might be we would take control of our own souls, instead of having them molded for us. 

They Are At It Again!

 In an America post the Donald Trump presidency, things are askew.  He likes it this way, because deception or sleight-of-hand is an effective way to win.  You distract your opponent.  By the time he notices you all ready have won.  Four years of a presidency and he almost dismantled our Republic, our self governance, and our freedom.  Honestly I can't remember if these things were in jeopardy before he became the leader of the free world.  It was Barack Obama, and he was cleaning up the 2008 Financial Crisis created by Bill Clinton.  The slate of destructive presidents is long.  Who might have been an honest and effective president in our lifetimes?  Jimmy Carter?  He was humiliated on the public stage, and they didn't release the hostages until he stepped down.  Trump must be the worst, and its because America is hemorrhaging money.  Washington has lost touch with productivity as defined by earning revenue.  They are so spoiled, and the taxpayer money is so fluent, being frugal or actually earning money with an American-made product is irrelevant.  Washington lawmakers don't give a shit about Americans.  They become popular and spoiled by the money they dole out, and it is our money,  taxpayer money.  They keep spending it, not making it and now we are in a crisis for the umpteenth time.  Their solution?  Raise the debt ceiling yet again.  We are borrowing money from other nations, so how can we be independent or great?  Take the military budget for example.  I have tried to accommodate the vast reach of the military, and my conclusion is they also are a sorry lot of seekers taking advantage of the system.  Soldiers living in $300,000.00 houses, declaring no taxes on their housing stipends, working a few days a week, and screwing their wives.  The children are for show.  Many married couples don't love each other and are homosexual.  The marriage is a business arrangement.  What does Fort Bragg want this year?  A new gun range.  New barracks.  New toys with which to practice like medical practitioners.  They practice medicine.  Since the Trump presidency freedom in America has become more volatile.  Donald Trump incited an insurrection against the newly elected President of the United States.  He should be in jail, and they are trying.  Whether it is intimidation, speculation, or pure threat, America is living on the cusp of violence.  It is because we do not know who the enemy is.  I watch this military perform their practice maneuvers, fly planes and helicopters, pollute our sky, incite violence, and spend taxpayer money preparing for wars they don't seem to be able to win.  They like to fight, but ten years of nation-building in Afghanistan and a few weeks after we pull out they revert back to their old ways.  Most nations don't want to be America, and we should leave them alone.  Global dominance became a goal for America, and now we have World War lll.  Can Covid live in plants or in the ground?  Fort Bragg sits in close proximity to Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point, but it is not the only supplier of munitions meant to travel across the Atlantic Ocean.  Before Base Realignment and Closure moved Ground Forces Command to Fort Bragg, Charleston shipped a lot of heavy munitions.  I believe they got tired of the noise, and they fingered Fayettenam for the job.  Now Fort Junction assembles most of these trains, and when they are doing this live is hell.  There is just too much freight train activity, and when it triangulates on Fayetteville, people die.  Not only are we bombarded with tornado-like two mile long trains, commercial jets now are flying directly over the city at low altitudes smothering us with carbon emissions.  Trains and planes suck and burn oxygen and replace it with poisonous carbon.  They heat the environment, and now electromagnetic emissions are part of their refuse.  I have been experiencing the Havana Syndrome for the last few days, and I think it is Covid again.  It is hard to tell the difference, but what I do know is that when a particular Lockheed Martin C130J Hercules, most likely with the Air Mobility Command, serial number 08-3179, when it flies I get sick.  I observe its activity doing touch and goes at the Fayetteville Regional Airport.  I watch it fly over the Appalachian Mountains from DC to Alabama.  What I wonder is what is in its tanks.  What was responsible for the downing of our World Trade Towers in Manhattan?  Terrorists infiltrated the airline industry and flew a suicide mission into skyscrapers killing thousands of Americans.  We can smile and worship Jesus and commit to rebuilding like good Christians, or we can decide to fight back.  Keeping your enemies closer gets tiring, especially when good seems so far away. 

Monday, April 17, 2023

The Clock is Ticking on Humans

 It, like now, can be difficult to make yourself recognize undesirable things.  It is far easier to bury your head in the sand, wear the rose-colored glasses, or hide in the cyber refuge of gaming, pornography, and entertainment.  If you do decide to wake up and smell the coffee, what you may see is a daunting existence promulgated by a heinous attack on the American people.   A large part of this was the outbreak of Covid 19, but the emergence of this deadly strain of Coronovirus from unknown origins wasn't the only culprit.  The war is far from over.  America is under continuous siege from all fronts, but it is wise understand see the war from foreign perspectives.  There are myriad forces undermining the economic potential, social freedom, and happiness of Americans.  It is logical to assume this assault originates with malcontents deprived of our unique and important God-given and Constitution-granted rights.  Let's call it sour grapes.  If you don't have, then ignorant and immature shadows of people inadvertently will try to bring you down.  Shall we make a list?  Saudi Arabia was responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers of our World Trade Center.  It was not Saddam Hussein, nor was it Osama Bin Laden.  The latter offered to fight for his former family, the United Arab Emirates, and they refused him.  He was livid, and thus Al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the Taliban all became extensions of Osama Bin Laden's wrath against the United States.  Simply he wanted us out of their Middle East.  The focus has shifted away from these violent terrorist groups consequently, but Vladimir Putin's bloody attempted genocide of Ukraine qualifies as the beginning of World War lll.  The media has short memories in America since Covid, and the former president's campaign of misinformation and fake news simply is "Newspeak" predicted by George Orwell in his novel "1984."  He missed by forty years, just as the other intelligent cultures missed 2012 by a decade.  Newspeak is here, it is on the internet, and it is AI.  Also and more importantly it is the smartphone to which we as a nation seem to be addicted.  We cannot take a piss without consulting our comforting phone.  It is best to take off the rose-colored glasses, pull out heads out of the sand, break our addictions and understand that the forces controlling our lives is not for us.  They seem to be for us on the front line, on our phones, but underneath the shallow anodynes of weight-losing and money-earning apps, the forces of evil are trying to manipulate us.  Look even deeper and you will find that these forces, and possibly foreign in original, are trying to kill us.  Undermining a nation means disabling its people, and the most effective place to begin is killing our youth.  Many scum are responsible for this campaign, and it is encouraging that America's Department of Justice has recognized fentanyl as a major antagonist.  This drug single-handedly has murdered two of America's most influential popular culture music icons.  Michael Jackson and Prince, metaphors of volatility, rebellion, American freedom, and economic reward were wiped out with the ingestion of a drug meant to induce euphoria, pleasure, and relief from pain.  Surprise!  Your dead.  The assault on America is multi-faceted and attacks us from many fronts.  The most dire and consequential is our food system, which has been undermined largely by a criminal and now foreign-owned corporate entity named Monsanto.  Genetically modified foods (or GMO) is not a good thing.  America's liquor is a pale shadow of its former self.  Jim Beam is owned by the Japanese, and the Japanese started World War ll with their ruthless attack on Pearl Harbor.  After America was not able to win fighting with boots on the ground, it was our intellectual prowess that ended this war with the development and administering of a nuclear bomb.  Japan was shell-shocked into submission, and their amends were the invention and selling of quality electronic consumer component to Americans.  If the U.S.S.R can renege on Glasnost and Perestroika and the abolition of the Cold War by Mikhai Gorbachev  and Ronald Reagan, then it is best to take a new look at American allies.  Most of them are against us, unless we give them money.  Do we have allies?  The attacks on American youth came incognito.  They crept in in Japanese manufactured video games, violent role-playing scenarios which shaped the mass shooters of today.  Even if the AR-15 was not available for purchase, without these vivid and soul shaping digital fantasies, it is unlikely American youth would have the balls to dress up in camouflage, storm an elementary school, and indiscriminately slaughter innocent and helpless school children.  This behavior is a direct product of inappropriate parental guidance manipulated by foreign malcontents.  The severe and violent tendencies of these perpetrators subtly has infiltrated many aspects of everyday American life.  Two years of Covid isolation and cyber-learning did not help.  We need to sever our dependence on the computer, and begin to remember how we use it as our aid, not our tutor.  It should be a tool for us, not for terrorists.  Medicine is a diverse, deep, complicated aesthetic, and it has been undermined by evil.  The medical establishment no longer wants to cure us; they want to treat our symptoms for money.  When a Sackler family forsakes the entirely of humanity for monetary gain and compromises decades of philanthropy and higher learning, then we must take note.  The tables have turned in America.  At the most basic level it is easy to attack human beings.  Pollute the air we need to survive, the water we drink and use to bathe, grow, and clean, and the environment upon which we are reliant to think, feel, and love.  These in America have been reduced to a fraction of what Mother Nature provides naturally, and she is next on the list.  Who could be responsible for all of this chaos?  One name comes to mind, but he (or it) only manifests itself in human form.  With the weakening of all of earth's life forces, the human mind and spirit have grown weak and dependent, and evil masquerading as good has smitten us all.  It is best to take a look around.

The Honda Trail 70

 I have been poor all of my life.  Our family was not poor, and we had the things we needed.  I learned to appreciate the things I had, and often for which they were worked.  Used things.  Old things.  Hand-me-down things.  Perhaps lessons were learned trying to fix these old things.  My father and I spent more time fixing the Honda Trail 70 than riding it.  That is an exaggeration.  I rode it a lot, but it took considerable maintenance.  Although I didn't understand it, it was a "beater."  It had been beaten nearly to death and resurrected by the previous owner.  Its front forks and handlebars were replaced by "Frankenbars."  My pubescent friends made fun of it regularly including its "titty grips."  It was not until recently with the emergence of "Mini Bike Mike's" website I was able to restore it.  It runs now better than it ever did, and the pleasure I receive from riding it comes more from the appreciation of and dedication to owning it.  I didn't own it; it was titled to my father.  When I became an adult, he consented with reluctance to signing over its title.  I have yet to do this with my nephew.  I ceased riding it in the woods, because the crevices, roots, rocks, and poison are too much.  I ride it on the street, and with its 1971, best-selling, Honda 72cc engine it shines.  The CT-70HKO has four gears and a manual hand-operated clutch differentiating it from other Trail 70's.  Although its wheels were squat and fat for the trails, still it would reach a whopping 46 m.p.h. on flat with the throttle wide open.  I may be sentimental, but the sound and vibration of that motorcycle restored and still running after fifty years makes my heart swell with appreciation and pride.  I am not proud that I was able to rebuild it; I am proud that I accomplished something in tandem with my father's love.  It is of him I think when I ride this machine.  I have passed on this legacy to my nephew, and I hope he will be bitten with the same bug of motorcycling pleasure. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

The $20.00 Dump

 There is something awry when you must pay $20.00 to empty your garbage.  We pay for sewer, water, and power, and the costs continue to rise.  Wages have been stagnant for decades.  The rich have gotten richer, and the poor still are poor.  I paid out-of-pocket today twenty dollars to bury a couch.  I didn't chop it into pieces and drop it by the railroad tracks as per Mark Werling's suggestion.  Once I did that, and it landed me in environmental court.  I plead "guilty" after cleaning up my mess and finding contrition, and the judge fined me $500.00.  He slammed the gavel down and declared me a sinner.  The courtroom erupted in laughter, and the well-dressed white boy became infuriated and shouted, "Corruption!" at the top of his lungs.  I shouted this out of his court room, down the elevator, through the lobby, and all the way to my car.  I was livid.  He took advantage of me.  Plead guilty, and  crooked judge will take your money whether you are guilty are not.  Lesson learned.  Today instead I paid $20.00 to deposit our couch at the Anne Street landfill.  Twenty dollars most people don't have to spare to pay for garbage disposal, especially when they take the time to haul it to the dump and unload it themselves.  I paid it anyway, because I needed to get rid of it.  Not dump it on the street.  Not chop it into pieces and drop it by the railroad tracks.  Load it yourself into the back of your pick up and carry it yourself to the landfill.  Next subject please.  Joe Biden is in Ireland hiding from Donald Trump.  The long arm of the mafia is flexing, and the news is a stunted mess of negative propaganda.  It is time for Joe to return home and face the music.  Inflation is out of control, and prices continue to rise.  Violence is commonplace and expected.  The last time I remember this is 1970, and we don't have a Viet Nam war.  Perhaps we should. Domestic violence is less when the troops are gone.  Since they like to fight, they might be well-served in Ukraine.  All ready we are in World War lll.  There are no poppies to harvest, only blood to let.  Ukraine produces many of our products, and Mr. Putin is destroying all of them.  It is senseless, diabolical, and evil.  He must have dementia.  "The Donald" must have dementia.  It is difficult discerning dementia, but we must try.  Senselessly destroying Ukraine is insane.  Insane.  Insanity.  Train.  3:00 freight train.  "Chasing the Trane."  It was a long say, and nothing is getting better. 

Saturday, April 01, 2023

Blue-Eyed Sole

 I am listening to the Young Rascals, and this is my first foray into their music.  (Also there is a standing wave in my home, so even the slightest movement or music causes unpleasant sensations on the body)  RADAR is a "standing" electromagnetic wave.  Instead of dissipating normally or fading into the distance, it "stands" in one place.  Standing waves are a common but perplexing phenomenon.  If you are privy to host one in your home, basement, barn, or workshop most people describe it as having a ghost.  You can feel something tangible in the air, and it isn't you.  It is compressed air forced into you living space basically invading your personal privacy.  Anything and everything along the path of this standing wave can modulate it causing it to do strange things.  It is like a stretched rubber band, and slight modulations to the tension of the band cause it to sympathetically vibrate of its own accord.  It is extremely annoying, and it is common in Fayettenam on the weekend.  It either is a CSX, Norfolk/Southern, or Aberdeen and Rockfish freight locomotive, or the Cape Fear Railways shunting cars in the Honeycutt Marshalling Yard or at Fort Junction.  They also have a tunnel underneath Reilly Rd where they load munition trains, so any choice of an idling locomotive could be the culprit.  Of course there is the AN/TPQ-53 army radar which is a logical cause of Havana Syndrome.  They call it "Pulsed Microwave Energy."  It sits on a truck bed in the field or anywhere else they decide to use it, and it spins 360 degrees scanning the battlefield for 35 miles and at a 90 degree width.  If the Marines are playing with this toy targeting their large howitzers, then anyone in Fayettenam is going to know it.  They are not discreet. This is not upon what I wanted to focus or write about today, but it is undeniable.  It is here, now, and in my personal space.  At a certain point one could believe it is "weaponized" or used secondarily as a tool for intimidation for certain targeted individuals.  If they know it has these unpleasant side effects, such as idling locomotives creating a standing wave, then they could use it to antagonize you.  Considering the education level of the United States army enlistees, it could be difficult for them to discern the difference between the real enemy and you.  It happens often newly indoctrinated enlistees full of themselves and their new training pick a fight in a bar and get killed.  Soldiers are involved in all kinds of crime including human and drug trafficking.  Other than the billions of dollars flowing from the Department of Defense, the presence of the military simply is tolerated.  At one time there was a healthy diplomatic relationship with Fort  Bragg.  Since BRAC and the emergence of Ground Forces Command, Fort Bragg has become just another jar head breeding ground of military cockiness.  Self confidence may be a desirable trait in an aggressive soldier, but empathy is more important.  As my left ear screams at me from tinnitus from this phenomenon, my heels also begin to hurt.  I am at a disadvantage, but it is the weekend and I want to rest.  I don't feel like getting up and shaking it off, which I am going to do shortly with my 125 decibel leaf blower.  My topic of blogging today is something equally as annoying, and it is the rhetoric of Miss Lindsey.  Lindsey Graham has become a mockery of a senator, and he has disgraced himself time and time again lying in true Trump fashion.  Considering a violent coup attempt on the United States Capital on January 6th by thousands of Trump supporters, the Jan. 6th committee has been extremely careful investigating the former president.  As his arraignment draws near on Tuesday, the New York Metro Police are preparing to tamp down any possible protest.  Many of the attackers who participated in the siege of the Capital building have been prosecuted and sent to jail.  What lingers is the rhetoric campaign of which the catch phrase has become even as Lester Holt decreed on national television, "This investigation of Donald Trump will tear the nation apart."  This is false, because two years of thoughtful reflection on Mr. Trump's actions have proven his mental instability.  He has pushed the envelope either purposely or subconsciously to achieve his own personal goals of gaining power and money.  Any sane individual would wean themselves off his addiction in their own best interests.  Even the most charismatic and friendly cult leader can ask you to drink the Cool Aid.  It is up to you to choose not to.  I am choosing to cross Lindsey Graham off my list along with Donald Trump.  It would be in the best interest of South Carolina to pick another representative.