It never had been my intention to criticize my home state. After moving elsewhere to pursue academia, North Carolina's idiosyncrasies emerged. I lived in the Midwest, Columbus, Ohio, and in Columbia, South Carolina. Each destination proved themselves to be better than North Carolina. Adjusting to the humble modesty of Ohio took a few years, but once I became acclimated to this behavior I became a Midwesterner. I lost my southern drawl, became more forthright and passionate about my interests, and left the false security of Southern Gentility behind. The people of Cowtown would not recognize this of faux romanticism. You had to earn your keep in Ohio, and so I started over. As it turned out the almost decade I lived in Columbus became some of the most fruitful years of my life. It was a fantasy strapped onto a rusty pick up truck. Life there was benevolent, so it was easy to flourish. North Carolina does not treat her people this way. The common folks of North Carolina are a second thought to the corrupt and ruling General Assembly. This boys club is the same as Donald Trump, and only the rich Republicans rape and pillage Raleigh politics picking clean the bones of federal and state monies. Fort Bragg is no different in Cumberland Country. The surrounding community are vultures using the army as their Communist provider. Most of America is provided for by our government, and those who are on the receiving side of this agreement cast blame on everyone else. It is the Republican "In Crowd" who falsely criticize President Joe Biden and the Democrats. Never have I had less faith in the power of good until now, the post Donald Trump attempted coup, who still has not been made accountable. He is clever but no less evil and criminal. His unethical, narcissistic, petty corruption has set an example of ruthless dominance in a declining and unsupported Capitalist socioeconomic system. America abandoned our own unique system in lieu of shallow legislative and judicial manipulation. It is far easier to tilt the pinball machine or slant the field than do the actual work to make Capitalism work again. The reason why it is not happening, is because the Republicans don't want it to happen. They want Capitalism to fail in favor of an authoritarian regime with them in control. This is why they are doing everything in their power to maintain control, even undermining our representative model of freedom and democracy. Capitalism takes work, and to make it work it takes intense savvy, intelligence, and cunning. It is a wonderful model of human existence yielding social mobility, probable financial security, and mental challenge. All of these things that built America and are America have been shoved under the rug so a motley crew of tepid Greek gods can have their fun. The war that will ensue will not so much be civil as revolutionary. Fighting one another because we disagree is one thing, and slavery is no longer. Fighting for freedom from tyranny, oppression, and injustice is the issue, and it is coming. Whence the body snatchers came, I don't know. I don't understand the radical points of view, because they don't make sense. It seems more like deconstructionism if anything, just stirring up the pot. Logic exited the room six years ago. It is disheartening to live in such a backward state, a state in which Wile E. Coyote and Bo Diddly vie for public office. Are their any honest politicians left? To further exaggerate our ignorance, popular culture has been pushed also in the wrong direction. The tenants of Christianity say, "Love they neighbor as thyself." The United States Constitution says, "All men are created equal." When I look at television the modern aesthetic is, "Have no pride in your lifestyle." If we are using abortion as birth control, we are unable to exercise and eat a healthy diet, and we cannot define our own gender, what responsibility as adult human beings can we discard next? It is as if we have devolved into the simplest and nonthinking species in modern times. "Accept us." We are not required to live with discipline, diligence, and pride as the Protestant Work Ethic taught our parents and grandparents. We could blame the food system, and now like our state government it is not there to help us. It is there to make us fat and stupid, and that comes from poison. There are few things in our lives actually helping us do anything. Our children go to school to receive an education to offer them a better life, and they risk hate crimes and lynching. The lynchings now come from an AR-15 assault rifle. It is not wrong to recognize and engage our physicality. The human body once was a temple of study and investment. When I look at the Eighties, our hair was so beautiful. Our bodies were ripped. We were intelligent, loving, compassionate, and mature. We were not driven by our bodies and ruled with our hormones, but we understood the relationship of our mind with our vessels. Our vessels are a fundamental factor in the equation of love. Our physicality is a metaphor for spiritual love, and it is a reward for sincerity, honesty, and passion. Christian love is immersed in and preened from physical and emotional altercation. Without this intimate experience with and resultant understanding of our personal sexuality, we are naive and weak. Sex gives us these things, and it is not sinful. I don't like the newly chosen mainstream of American popular culture. It has missed the boat. There is more integrity in the Broadway musical Carousel with its hard knock lessons than any of the camp and drag being performed today. These lessons, these rules of life purposely are being disguised simply so our American gods and accumulate money. They never will see the Kingdom of God or experience the eternal life of heaven. They will eat their cake on earth and burn in hell.
Saturday, October 29, 2022
North Carolina
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
A Model of Mother Nature
If I sit down to post in this blog, it is because I have something on my mind. Sometimes writing is necessary, because it allows you to verbalize your thoughts without talking. Recognizing, listening to, and understanding your thoughts and feelings can be a daunting process. Why is this? Flip on the television. What is thrust at you is a hyper-accelerated, contrived, poorly produced stream of consciousness created where? Who is producing what is on television, and what is its merit? Television has taken a major hit with the rise of streaming services. What's the difference? When I cut the cord and began to explore alternate media sources via the internet, it was clear this wire was no different from the other. Two wires, two vehicles to deliver your media and entertainment. The question is in their taxation and regulation. President Obama signed a "Net Neutrality" law. What does it do? I am not sure, but if he passed it it was for a reason. The reasons behind most legislation passed in the last twenty years have nothing to do with the well being of American consumers. Only do they benefit corporate America offering us our products. Consequently one to two percent of Americans hold the wealth. The rest of us are spiraling downward into oblivion. I cannot recall in my lifetime more difficult times, and I knew they were coming. It is as if we are at war without being at war. Covid was no different from the Holocaust, it just was covert. We didn't know it was a full frontal assault. Knowing that people are trying to kill us is disconcerting. Knowing your enemy is key to victory, but also when you know not what you do neither does your enemy. It is a state of stasis, and that is not acceptable. Limbo. What does "Net Neutrality" provide? I think in a nutshell it allowed corporate America or telecommunications to monetize the internet. Largely before Obama passed this law, the internet was an underground academic counterculture. Things were groovy and cheap, and no one paid state sales tax for item purchased on eBay. Mitch and his crew changed that, and Jeff Bezos for a time became the richest man in the world. Covid made that happen. The population was shopping online prior to the Covid outbreak, but Covid sealed the deal for Amazon's wealth. Is this coincidental, or was it created? When I went shopping for an internet-based television-like experience, nothing was different. It was X amount of dollars for so many channels. The vehicle of distribution didn't matter, except that streaming taxes your devices graphics processor and uses a lot of electricity. If I stream just a short Youtube video, I can feel the heat of my laptop processor on my thighs. Computer processors can run hot, but it makes me wonder of streaming is the right choice. It's not for technical reasons. If we think back to its inception when audio streaming still was new, its delivery was erratic. They had to design better modems to handle more speed of delivery. Evidently they have solved that problem, and herein we have the G5 network. I don't know how much faster it is, but what I do know is its transmitting equipment is much more powerful than traditional cell networks. They use "phased array" transmitters, which are many transmitters in a grid which can be modulated electronically to steer their beam without moving the hardware. It is much more powerful microwave energy, and it is the same equipment on Elon Musk's Starlink satellites. When they flipped this on, the Earth got hotter. Why would this wireless transmission be better than a big thick cable wire with insulation? It's not, but because airborne radio frequency energy manifests itself on existing wiring our previous electrical grid has taken a hit. Cable now exhibits transmission interference that was not there before. Likewise traditional radio has become a sacrificial lamb for wireless telecom. It is politics. Who wants what. I feel what we have ended up with is inferior to America's virgin offerings in technology. Look at any "vintage" electronic product from America's hey day, and you will see quality hand-made components that are built to last. Today products are built to fail. The engineers know exactly how to build products that will fail shortly out of warranty. It is shallow capitalism. I was offered sixty dollars a month as an introduction to online streaming TV, but I have no interest in sacrificing my devices for this labor. That is what a TV is for. In a comparison of cable television to satellite TV, satellite was better. How is this possible? The reason is cable has run amuck. There are too many channels, too many networks, and not enough quality programming. It should be every individual show should have their own channel, and in certain cases this is true. They run marathons of episodes called "binge watching." I miss traditional television where three major networks competed at a high level for America's attention. Now we are a diluted, disparate, infighting population with no available solidarity. Television once provided this. Lack of regulation is a major cause of this maelstrom. Corporate America has proven they are incapable of policing themselves. DuPont is still murdering citizens sixty years later, and our elected officials are allowing this to happen. They are "on the take." No one is looking out for the little guy. This is not really what was on my mind tonight when I sat down to write in this blog. What is on my mind is how our lack of solidarity has lessened America and made us weak and vulnerable. When the Supreme Court of the United States begins to exhibit extreme opinion, unity of our nation has been lost. It is replaced with warring polar opposite opinions of tribal brutality. We have lost the ability to reason, mediate, and negotiate. We no longer seek to love but to brutalize and conquer. These behaviors have been predicted in the Bible, and they are irrefutable. They are happening now mostly as a result of Donald Trump. If we were to seek solidarity, it would be difficult. Why? The answer that no one seems to want to hear is that radicalized factions of Americans have skewed reality. First and foremost the identity of gender has been defamed. Lesbian women want to be men, and consequently they hate their enemy to becoming men. Men. It is rampant, and it is disturbing. I don't think gay men have changed much, but feminism fueled by angry homosexuality in women has created something that before was fringe. On television today on the Kelly Clarkson show, I heard a woman openly say she tells her husband what to do. She sleeps with other women, and he does as he is told like a subservient child. The definition of gender and their roles has become so skewed, love between the sexes has become disguised and difficult. Traditional depictions of male female relationships have become almost criminal, because a handful of deceiving, depraved, manipulative men have exploited many women. We are experiencing a counter reaction to white male dominance, and it has exceeded its boundaries. If certain cross sections of American population are adopting radical ideology, it is because they feel threatened by this movement. Believe me it is not Communism that offers relief from this straying. We have become so simple minded, it would seem only an authoritarian dictatorship can keep us in line. It is not Republicans in the swamp. The cast of candidates on the upcoming election is like a roster of cartoon characters drawn and supported by corporate interests through lobbying. Bo Hines? Ted Budd? Please. The undermining of the male/female dynamic will be the demise of the human race as we know it. Even the animal kingdom understands this concept. Perhaps we approach Mother Nature empirically and learn from her model. We as human beings have lost our way.
Sunday, October 09, 2022
Too Much Electricity, and It's Not in Wire
Someone needs to step up to the plate, stand on a soap box, and scream at the top of their lungs, "It's all fake!" The trouble is what is fake is the opposite of what really is fake. Everything that Donald Trump stands for is fake, and what they have been pitching at us since the January 6th siege is "Big Brother." It took thirty-eight years for George Orwell's prophesy to come true, and 2012 is a decade late. The shite is hitting the fan now. It's time to reflect, because most of what is out there heinously is false. An entire generation of Americans cannot discern truth from lie, because Covid struck a severe blow to the concept of democracy. History now is so well disguised and misreported, only those old enough actually to remember have an idea of reality. The entire "Woke" debacle.... We need to wake up now and smell the manure as it builds up around our lives. If we need to be woke to anything, it is not what they suggest. It is not about discrimination. Discrimination still exists. It has just shifted from one group to another. LGBT and Black Lives Matter have made the white man the devil. Defunding the police is an absurdity paving the way for anarchy and chaos, an impending tribal war instigating by "Red" himself, the Donald. He is the root of the destruction of American democracy and the rise of his own military dictatorship. Half of the American military chose not to follow his coup, although they still support him over Joe Biden. What does this say about America? We need to wake to the concept that our environment is filled to the lip with airborne electricity and electromagnetic radiation. Not only do we have alternating current of all frequencies spewing out of diesel "electric" locomotives, we have every imaginable wireless network infiltrating our homes. Here is the list of Wi-Fi networks alive and operating in my own home: ARRIS-392D. DWIFI. Howie Router. FBI Surveillance TM2. MySpectrumWifiC9-2C. RedDoor-2G. SciFi. SpectrumSetup-30. SpectrumSetup-43. Memenet. This excludes the printers. Too bad I can't use their networks for my personal use, seeing as they are in my private space. Is this right? What does one do to scrub this unnecessary radiation from our homes? Does it take reflective solar shielding, or does it take thousands of dollars of technology to seal ourselves up in our own holes? Built into the walls? The floors, like CIA offices? Should I have to do this in this "Age of Electricity?" It all has been predicted. If no one cares about this airborne nuisance, then might I suggest its tangible results? First your personal wireless network is susceptible to interference. My wireless radio broadcasts from Jazz24 drop out often. When I use my Panasonic microwave with an inverter, the music horribly becomes distorted. My once pristine WCPE classical music signal, while the translator is only a miles away, most often is weak and distorted. My vintage electronic musical gear suffers the most as the AC manifests itself in the audio signal. Certain frequencies, mostly in the bass range, are useless as cross-modulation distorts the instrument signals. My Hammond organ suffers greatly as airborne electricity finds and inhabits its sixty year old components. I have add power filters to most of these instruments, but when the electricity is in the air? How can you escape? Is this why people want to flee to Mars?