"Insane in the membrane..." Broken record. Broken record. A broken record, or rather a damaged vinyl disc which has a scratch, does not allow the stylus to continue on its prescribed path. Instead it stays on one particular groove of the album unable to proceed, because a nick in the vinyl has upset the continuity of the one, main, continual groove. Sometimes a nick is necessary. The Coronavirus is such a nick albeit a deadly one. This virus has accomplished many things both good and bad. The most valuable thing it has accomplished was removing Donald Trump from the United States Presidency. It is entirely likely he would have been re-elected without it. While absentee and newly sanctioned mail-in voting ironically won the election for Joe Biden, it is not known if a democratic majority would have materialized otherwise. Coronavirus effected the presidential election. At first I thought it would benefit Trump, but people began to die. Half a million Americans have perished from this virus, and consequently as President Biden said in his speech last night, a handful of affluent businessmen increased their wealth dramatically because of this pandemic. I would speculate few people really believe a virus of this deadly nature spontaneously and naturally transpired. Like HIV it was manufactured in a laboratory, and those same affluent businessmen became gods and cast judgement on a certain contingency of the population. It could be God, but I don't think so. Covid 19 has been a mediator paring down the right wing machine and exposing its evil intent. A society cannot exist on smoke and mirrors, spin, and hyperbole. The pretense of the "app" finally has been reduced to its true value, a entertainment device mostly for amusement. Anyone believing an iPhone OS somehow will intertwine with the human genome and produce hybrid cyborgs... That is a notion of science fiction. We need to get back on track, leave the distractions behind, and develop our minds. Our minds are the only thing that will ensure our longevity on planet earth. Apple is not going to do it for us. The more critical issue which still has not been addressed is "Chains and Drains." What exactly is my recurring and continual fixation with this topic? It is because it is polluting on so many different levels. It almost is uncanny how encompassing this phenomenon is. Acoustic. Electromagnetic. Psychological. Physiologic. Each of these things negatively is being influenced by "C&D." How is it possible that something so American, so indispensable, and so sentimental becomes something so destructive? While the sound of the steam locomotive did become sentimental in American folk culture, covertly this watershed invention was transformed into a super villain. The steam engine was abandoned in favor of a more polluting and invasive diesel "prime mover." In 1990 the diesel/electric locomotive was infused with the bionic strength of a power inverter and accompanying tractive control via microprocessor. a cyborg in this case was born, but it has no human soul or inclination. Its only role is to move as much freight as possible at all costs. A proper analogy would be Thomas the Train "transforming" itself from a humble toy engine to a behemoth, fire-breathing, destructive antagonist of the human race. What is it that is so destructive to the human organism? The data readily is available, but as many are quick to point out (and a cartoon on Facebook sums it up nicely) facts didn't matter during the Trump presidency. "Gaslighting" was the operative political stratagem. Tell people what you want them to believe, over and over. (Over and over ad nauseam) Eventually they will begin to believe it. This is Big Brother. "1984," the novel by George Orwell, predicts this now reality. We have endured four years of "Newspeak," the term from the novel for this process, and we have survived. We have survived an all out assault on our population by our own people. Ethnic and class cleansing were implemented with the advent of the Coronavirus. It is not over yet, but the trials and tribulations of 2020 have been great, and history will reflect this. The data has been available for decades, and it is well known in honest medical and scientific circles that electromagnetic radiation causes cells to mutate, often into cancer. Heat, vibration, magnetism, and electricity are not nutrients for the human cell. They are the antagonist, murderers of human tissue, and yet the cell phone industry continues to erect monuments to their own superiority, only because we have become addicted. Addiction. Addiction. Affliction. You can control your populace, when they are ill and addicted. It is alarming the sprouting cell towers that now have become accepted in the vapor of this gaslight. They are on water towers. They are on a sculptures. They are on rooftops. They are like warts from the human papillomavirus virus festering on poles for all to see. Warts on society, not multivitamins. Nothing about these millimeter wave transmitters is healthy for the human race. Instead they create an addiction. Such far reaching consequences from an unknown and unsuspected industry, "Chains and Drains." Acoustic. Magnetic. Electric. Psychological. Physiological. "Chains and Drains" effects all of these things. The enjoyment of recorded music, live music, music production, and their effect on the human soul are hindered by this invasive industry. There could be no other concentrated, vicious, and toxic foe for humanity, and that is why we are sick and ignorant.
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Aren't We Tired of Being Sick and Ignorant?
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Drains and Chains
Not to sound like a broken record. Not to sound like a broken record. Not to sound. A broken record repeats itself ad nauseam, until someone gets annoyed enough to turn it off. My broken record, my broken record never will stop repeating ad nauseam that the majority of the ills of the human race are being created by one industry, and vehemently, viciously, and vindictively this industry wants and continues to deny reality. DuPont has chosen this course. Monsanto has chosen the course. Chemours has chosen this course. Chosen this course. Chosen this course. They will not admit their wrong doing, but instead deny their malfeasance and sell the company to a foreign interest shielded from immediate public scrutiny. These companies are the enemy. Fully we understand any entity who harms or kills their patrons by negligence in the manufacturing process or with their product is the enemy. It does not matter how much we like Teflon. No human being ever should be sacrificed for a commercial product, but they are. The data states every living being on the planet earth has the chemical C8 in their bloodstream. Chemours, formerly DuPont has been dumping it into our waterways since its inception. The simple solution is you must clean up your own mess, and yet Duke power continues to charge its customers to clean up its own coal ash from negligent spills. The wealthy CEO's, board members, and stock holders still get their money, and the TARP money went to huge bonuses for Wall Street crooks. These people have no moral scruples. They care not about Americans who consume their products. They have been trying to kill us for several decades. With all of these daily obstacles, polluted water, polluted air, and tainted consumer goods, the industry most responsible for our mental health goes unnoticed. I have enjoyed recently websites which allow you to track air traffic across the globe. In particular you can hone in on your own area and peruse the local aviation activity on a second by second basis. This has provided some enlightenment for me. Yesterday there was an early morning military blitz. I was not up early enough to do the research to see what it was. My speculation is fighter jet play above the treeline. The entire sky is crisscrossed with chemtrails, water vapor and carbon monoxide from jet aircraft. There was no smog in our town until now. Thanks BRAC! S-M-O-G. They are not pretty clouds. They are jet exhaust. I always feel sicker on days like this, and ask myself the question why they would be flying right above the tree line above neighborhoods? It is not out of the realm of possibility to believe that something is amiss, and we as citizens are in the dark. There is a simple answer to what causes the majority of mental anguish to human beings, and yet the industry has become so powerful they remain incognito, anonymous to the public at large. Their pockets are deep and their influence in Washington great. It is a caucus of fat cats all having contributed to something that slowly is eroding away the human mind. Mass shooting after mass shooting, and no one seems to know why. It rhymes with "drains."
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Put Down your iPhone and Live a Little
Years ago when I was working on ships as a pianist, I debated whether to buy a laptop computer. At home in my small, personal, music studio the heart of the system was an antiquated (by today's standards0 PowerMac with a G3 accelerator card. I had been enrolled in the Doctor of Musical Arts degree program at what then was just "Ohio State University." (Now it has been rebranded "The Ohio State University.") Choosing to matriculate at this university was a culmination of several situations which presented themselves to me over the course of a tumultuous year. (This year was the year I moved back to Fayetteville after spending approximately five years in Columbia, South Carolina.) When I first moved there, it was because I was offered a Graduate Teaching Associate (GTA) position in the jazz program and the University of South Carolina. It was a good fit, and moving to this historical city was a step up in my quality of life. It remained a positive experience, until President George H. Bush decided to invade Panama with a huge conglomerate force of American military. For months these troops mobilized at all their locations across the continental United States entailing massive efforts of transportation. Mobilization. This is for what the 82nd Airborne is known, deployment to any hot spot in the world in under 48 hours. Is this now an anachronism? No one can deny the world has changed, and with this change also has come changes in military strategy. It began with Donald Rumsfeld, a complicit dupe of then Vice President Dick Cheney to harvest oil in the Middle East. Mr. Rumsfeld's ingenious plan, instead of sending a massive invasive force (boots on the ground) to Iraq, was to destroy this country's infrastructure from above with highly accurate bombs dropped by the United States Air Force. With satellite imagery, a technique now well shored up over time, the Pentagon surveilled Iraq's landscape and specifically targeted the nation's integral infrastructure. Power plants, sewage treatment plants, and television stations all were targets in America's mass annihilation of Iraq. The irony remains. It was the wrong country. Iraq was not responsible for the attacks on the twin towers on Wall Street in lower Manhattan. George W. Bush attacked this country as a vendetta and for revenge for his father's humiliation by Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. That's was a large price for a family vendetta, and consequently still America remains in the longest war in history. ISIS or ISIL was created by this misguided and erroneous attack on the wrong country after our troop pulled out and left their equipment rife for the taking. In retrospect the gravity of this action by head strong, ambitious, but misguided men is on the level of a war crime. Perhaps it is a war crime, but with an unprovoked attack on the World Trade Center.....? "Ah, President Bush. Osama Bin Laden here. We are friends, no? Would you like me to mastermind a reason for the United States to attack Iraq and plunder their oil fields? No? Sounds like a good idea. Let me set it up, because that despicable Saudi Prince refuses my offer and the use of my covert fighting force." It sounds like a conspiracy. All of that aside Rumsfeld's strategem to destroy a country from within was barbaric, unChristian, and violates the Geneva Convention. Because these men duly were elected to power by the citizens of the United States, this attack was sanctioned and deemed appropriate. Twenty years later our country not yet has recovered. In 1990 when I left Columbia I was depressed. My mind and my senses had shut down, and I did not know why. It is not unlike the way I feel during Operation Rolling Thunder. When the American military mobilizes with all of its brute strength, one will be intimidated. The question remains who? Perhaps the dozens of shooters who have purchased assault rifles and seemingly inadvertently killed innocent Americans subconsciously are being influenced by such warfare. You cannot ignore the United States military. When I became depressed in Columbia, South Carolina George H.W. Bush was invading Panama. Troops from all over the continental United States mobilized by air and sea and descended upon this third world nation. They came from Alaska, Texas, Alabama, and the East Coast. With all of this aggressive energy enveloping the nation, it would be difficult to ignore, even if it was subliminal. When I finally moved to Columbus, Ohio to attend OSU, Bill Clinton was elected president. It was a good thing. The country was ready for a seeming docile, soft-tongued, dough boy of a leader. As it turns out Clinton is responsible for several grievous ills which have beset themselves upon the nation. I don't agree with his auction of the airwaves single handedly creating the mobile telecommunications industry. I do not own a cell phone, and I do not need one. I do not need to talk on the phone when I am driving. I do not need to talk on the phone when I am walking my dog. I will not become addicted the that iPhone interface as enticing as it is. My decision as to whether to buy a laptop computer was relevant. A laptop computer is not a mobile phone. It is not a glorified social amenity. Although I had a rock solid Apple PowerMac G3 sitting at home, I decided a laptop would be a tool I could use to improve my job skills. My decision proved itself multifold. Over the years I began to use this laptop computer to store music files, most importantly music files of shows I was required to perform. There were many. When the cruise industry realized I could play classical music on the piano off to Europe I went, and the job description for the orchestra pianist changed. Now instead of repeating the same Motown Guest Entertainer show, I was required to read and play multiple classical oriented shows. In Sydney the performers kept coming. Classical pianists, violinists, and singers became the norm for our evening musical shows. I enjoyed the change of content, and while the music was more demanding never was it impossible. In any situation you must learn the music. That means having it in your head. If recording these shows and archiving them on a laptop aids in the process, it is a positive. The laptop computer became the major tool in my job vocation, and until only a few years ago it remains as such. I couldn't pack the G3 in a carry on bag and fly it on the plane, so the portability of the laptop computer is its major asset. The ironic downside of the iBook was that eventually I killed it. It became such an extension of my body's kinesthetic process, unknowingly I began tossing it on my bunk. (not literally of course) Perhaps I tossed it on my bunk a few times... Without realizing the danger of my action I came to think of this iBook as a hard cover text book. As such you could treat it as such. My experiment failed drastically, and after a few weeks the bottom of the computer flexed, the motherboard bent, and a conspicuous, now known, solder joint separated. That was the end of my iBook G3. I spent over five hundred dollars trying to diagnose this now known flaw. For a short time this failure was covered by Apple, and they would repair it. I unfortunately was out of this window. Another laptop must be had, and it was a year old unit that upon arrival was slow and clunky in operation. A few years later I upgraded the OS and magically its performance improved dramatically. Today this computer still works, and the manufacturing date is 2005. It stays turned all the time in SLEEP mode. When I record cassette tapes this is what I use to record from my Nakamichi cassette machine. The laptop computer has proven itself indispensable in my musical life. I do not own an iPhone, and I do not want one. The iPhone conversely has proven to be a great detriment to mankind. We are less human of a race because of it. Police would perform more humanely, if we didn't spend so much time researching humans on a network. If we put the phones (and computers down) and relied on the tried and true but challenging process of listening and observing human beings in real time and people, there is hope for the future.
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Biden is Better, Much Better (But You Wouldn't Know it)
Although Joe Biden is the salvation for this troubled country, you wouldn't know it. The tenants of communism all ready have taken root in American governance and corporate dominance. Who could have guessed that chapter two of a trust oligarchy would rise to prominence in 2020? Quickly reflecting on the erroneous and troublesome Trump failed presidency, it would be easy to surmise how this happened. There was a coup, but it was covert. The siege on the capital was the first, real, visual evidence of the depth and ferocity of this civil coup attempt. The foundations of this overthrow were put into place by a traitor elected American president. Luckily the nation was able to defeat his presidency mostly honestly. I feel some shenanigans took place, but with democracy in the cross hairs those slight manipulations were incredibly necessary. We got him out, and now the nation as a whole is fighting his ramifications. The Trumptista regime will be defeated, but it still is in power. That power has infected the United States military through the defense industry. The simple metaphor is failed patriot ex-senator Lindsey Graham decrying President Biden's troop withdrawal from Afghanistan. What could this man possibly know about foreign policy? He is a hypocrite and a liar and feels no remorse for his actions. His words are selfish as are the words of all Trumptistas. If American troops are withdrawn from Afghanistan, Lindsey will be tasked with creating a new military insurrection to empower the defense industry now ensconced in his state of South Carolina. With no Negros working on plantations in Charleston, Columbia, and Greenville, what is their economy? In a horrible nightmare the looming answer is the same as it is in Florida. The answer is CSX, a bullying, dictating, bully of an industry who cares not one iota for the citizens ultimately who consume their product. They are the King of the Trumptistas, and shoring up their greed is the Federal Aviation Administration, the Pentagon, and the Joint Chiefs. That is a bold statement, and it is abstract. How could these three things be connected? CSX is a shareholder in in STRACNET, and a large percentage of their wealth is sourced from the Deparment of Defense. The Federal Aviation Administration cares naught for civilian air travel or the needs of civilian passengers. This has been proven by their NexGen plan implemented in 2010 which threw American citizens under the bus or more accurately under the polluting wings of their low-flying commercial aircraft. Traditional flight paths which considered the private lives of American citizens and their well being callously were discarded in favor of airlines' needs to have free reign of the sky. Consequently eleven years later two particular subsidiary airlines' planes fly directly over our neighborhood will arriving or departing the Fayetteville Regional Airport owned by the city. This never happened before, because Ed Grannis was an influential businessman in the region. As the Baby Boomer generation dies off, and its wealth lessens, the cultural influence in the region has succumbed to the same ills as the rest of America. There no longer is a Main Street. There no longer is a Main Stream. There is no apparent social ladder with mobility. Instead the money with the aid of a traitorous ex-President has flowed into the pockets of a new breed of American communists. The Cold War never ended. It became disguised. The mode of attack of its representing Republican Party was blaming democrats for their own evil concoctions. How could Trump conceptualize such far-fetched conspiracy theories, unless he himself devised them? That is the answer and the truth. Watching his chronology of legal attempts to undermine a mostly honest and legal election was a treatise of corrupt insurrection. Although President Biden seems to feel Trump is not worthy of the effort, sorely he needs and deserves to be indicted, prosecuted, and imprisoned to ensure the future of democracy. Louis Dejoy has become a constant and continual mockery of returning democracy and honest governance. Until he is removed as Post Master General, America never fully will recover from the Trump onslaught. He is like Chucky, an evil fictional nemesis who refuses to die. It only is at this time in my life I am plagued with the realization that a Sinn Fein presence is needed in America. While in American history the Black Panthers served this role, America has evolved to a new level of corporate and governmental corruption. We no longer merely are racist white-supremacist Confederates. We are communists deeply embedded in American society. This presence necessitates are more prudent, intellectual, and politically savvy contingency willing to address the pressing issues of prolonged democratic freedom. Instead ot witnessing deranged, misguided, and mentally incoherent genocide inflicted upon the innocent as a diversion from our true enemy, the time has come for a new court, a court willing to pinpoint and prosecute America's real traitors. Lindsey Graham comes to mind, and apparently his need to own an AR-15 confirms his own heightened consciousness about his seditious acts. Only the Trumptistas feel the need to be armed to the teeth, because truth and honesty and faith in God instill a sense of security in the meek. God is our protector.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
The Open Frontier of America
President Biden is putting on his big boy pants and vowing to pull all U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by the anniversary of 9/11. The skinny is we are coming up on the twenty year anniversary of a war of which we know not who we are fighting. The answer is the Taliban but has been a mostly covert affair dealing with the country's desirable natural resources. We all can guess what one of these is, and it is no deterrent to the temptation of smuggling them back to the states in military planes. We need to get out of Afghanistan, and President Biden is making the right decision. It has been a formidable distraction and an unnecessary side road to American foreign policy. Let's pray the years of war mongering, defense spending, and empire building through the military are coming to an end. With the second coming of Jesus Christ, there will be little need for technology. All of the trinkets and gadgets, the "technology" peddled by the defense industry will do no good when the grid is destroyed. Eventually it all will come back to hand to hand combat, survival, and conservation. The more clearly we see we should be going backwards in time, the more of a chance we have to save the human race. Goggles, antenna arrays, and iPhones will not find you a meal outside. I never realized until accidentally I watched a punk music related movie last night how much I sympathize with that point of view. Today we are so full of shit and have no idea what is important, but I could spend countless hours trying to redefine the essence of humanity, Christianity, humility, and love. No one cares. Only do they care about what they can get, a nice home, two cars, and a brood of children to call their own. Once they get that reality presents itself. I do pine for the good old days. It truly has become a Stepford America. What would happen if you grabbed an ass today? They are trying to bring down the governor of New York, because he is a lonely man. Back in the day there were ramifications of the caveman methodology. You had to hit her on the head and drag her back to the cave. Never did I learn to do this in my youth, and interestingly in the late 1980's the establishment saw fit to pass a "date rape" law. If you made the wrong move on a date, a subpoena could show up on your door inviting you to court. That permanently sequestered any aggressive romantic or sexual proclivities I was harboring. Instead I used the "nice guy" technique. It worked for the most part later in life, but you were at the mercy of your woman's libido. You didn't get to do it when you wanted. Instead you were content to get it when she saw fit. This became stereotypical. Only late at night on the way to sleep was sex appropriate. This was fine with me, but in retrospect it was a far departure from my youthful prowess. When I was young, the appeal of sexuality was unconventional daring. Anyone can get undressed and crawl in the bed. How romantic is that? If you have biological chemistry it is fine. If you don't, and you haven't established the bond of physical intimacy, then you need things to augment your game. Traditional trappings of romance are staid and impotent. This is why some women truly do desire "bad boys," men who say to hell with manors and take what they want. There is room for both. America for certain has lost track of physical romance and the resultant sexual expression. All one has to do is flip to a Showtime channel late at night and try to watch a B grade, soft core, heavily edited porno flick. It is disgusting for several reasons. First evidently no longer does it matter if a body is physically and visually appealing. The women have implants, no breasts, and are acting rather than indulging in the pure physical act. Their acting wreaks! May I make a suggestion? Stop talking. Stop moaning. Stop making baby noises. No one does this, and it is idiotic. Second, the idea of kissing is not one of licking like a dog. Please stop licking your partners mouth. Even Markie Mark did this the other night in one of his movies. It is not sexy. It is a real disappointment to watch the tepid foreplay but then have to watch a couple dry hump with no genitalia in view. These are real pornographic actors, and it appears they are doing the real thing, but because it is cable TV no bare penis or vagina. It is so boring to watch this, and I feel my mind begin to deteriorate immediately if I even try to engage at the most basic level. There is a whole frontier available in America. Television, video, and music are at their lowest levels in my lifetime. Pick up your notebook and begin to write down your thoughts, your dreams, and your fantasies. Evidently no one else is.
Monday, April 12, 2021
What Does $200.00 a Month Get you?
There is a handful of B.S. which needs to be addressed. Evidently the manufacturers of the AR-15 have Joe Biden's balls in their clutch. I am a fan of the new president. I support his policies, his knowledge and experience, and his perspective for America. I feel he is on point, but I don't understand the hesitation about an assault weapons ban. If were to listen to Lindsey Graham all of us would need such a weapon when the violent gangs rushed his home seeking wonderful man love. These kinds of weapons were not available to civilians previously in America, and only are they making the unexplained mass shootings more frequent. If we as a nation had to make a prudent decision in governance of our own security, well-being, and happiness, it would be to draw a conclusion about the AR-15. It has been used in the majority of the shootings, which means easily it is obtainable, easily it is operated, and its manufacturer prefers to promulgate violence in America. It is what they all want, but the traditional American economy no longer adequately provides for our monetary needs as citizens. There are no good jobs left. It has not taken long for America to slide down the path of violence and anarchy, only because we cannot provide for our own people. It is because half of Americans have chosen not to provide. Instead they choose to spend their time lynching Negroes for no good reason. Habits are difficult to break, and the stoic-faced, indignant, ignorant cops who have chosen to victimize people of color never will change. Only will they be prosecuted for their crimes setting an example that a nation required conformity, compliance, and respect. America is not the Old West. If President Biden, our elected leader, says everyone one must be vaccinated, then everyone must be vaccinated. All ready we have proven ourselves incapable of making sane, rational, decisions regarding our own lives. We need leaders, and we should not make the same mistake twice. The police killing African-American men are the same as half of Americans who voted for the Donald. Things never have changed, but state cannot secede from the union. Two points will be presented here. First African-Americans did not immigrate to America on their own. They were forced here in captivity, sold as merchandise, made to labor for nothing, liberated with a bloody civil war, and expected to disappear. Their struggle is epic, and it is the soul of America. Further to disparage these people from their equal rights as Americans is callous, ignorant, and insane. The reparations they deserve and have received are the 360.222 deaths of Union soldiers fighting for their freedom. These men gave their lives for the lives of freed slaves, and it is not mentioned much. It is reparation enough. Let's move on. No citizen at any time in America needs an assault weapon, unless they plan on becoming urban or guerilla terrorists. Traditional firearms have been enough for Americans to protect their families and gather food. A shotgun, hunting rifle, or pistol suffice in satisfying the needs of the Constitution. Assault weapons should not be available to average citizens, and this was agreed upon and mandated by Bill Clinton. It was W. who let this appropriate law expire. It is the manufacturer of the AR-15 who have blood on their hands, and that is exactly what they want. They are in an industry which thrives on violence. America is not the same nation. We do not know our roots, our artists, or our milestones. We have become a weak, sniveling, confused lot of power mongers who could not win a chess game. With the disappearance of the Donald, news headlines have become base and superficial. There are no editors left to pick the topics, assign reporters, and publish an enlightened newspaper. It is all, "He said, she said." I am embarrassed to be an American. By the way, $200.00 a month gets you drug commercials, ugly actors, and the worst speaking voices in history. If ever we are to recover, we might want to archive our national history, because creating in this Covid vacuum is fruitless.