Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Success in America is not the Same

If one chooses to measure success via the American filter, no longer would it be accurate.  Almost half of the United States Senate has proven themselves traitors, hypocrites, and criminals.  "The enemy is within," as Speaker Nancy Pelosi candidly remarked.  I have been predicting this for several years.  President Trump's lies were so brazen and surprising, it was difficult to believe they were lies.  After the November election, the guerilla siege on the Capital, and the inauguration of President Biden the facts are unavoidable.  America must learn to believe we have traveled in retrograde motion, and only has it been possible with a specific conscious effort.  The millennial generation has been duped, fleeced, or taken advantage of.  I have been writing about this for several years.  PC or Political Correctness has created an army of dangerous, possibly violent, tribal members who can't think for themselves.  The idea of questioning authority and realizing your surrounding community often can be your enemy is innocuous.  It is tepid.  It is not possible.  "Them are fighting words.  Instead let's fight," because we are not smart enough to do anything else.  "Let's follow President Trump!"  Trump's disciples have been duped out of millions of dollars which flow directly into the Trump family coffers.  With a looming four hundred million dollar note coming due to the Russians, they must live on something.  The idea of Lara Trump aspiring to win Richard Burr's vacated senate seat in the state of North Carolina is absurd.  First and foremost residency applies to all Americans, and it is simple.  To sell a home and not pay capital gains tax, you must live in it for three years.  To not pay out-of-state tuition, one must earn a living by working in a state for one year.  To be a senator for a particular state, unlike Hillary Clinton who also broke this rule, a vested interest as an inhabitant is necessary.  Commandeering a senate seat as a power grab for an aspiring dictator is not cool, and the thought of member of the Trump Clan representing North Carolina is infuriating.  It it not going to happen.  It will not be long before Eric and Lara purchase a home in North Carolina and fill it with a stooge family.  Let's be on the lookout.  To establish residency one must earn the bulk of their income within the state.  Surrogate occupancy is not allowed.  If they do decide to make North Carolina their shell corporation headquarters, their welcome will be similar to the sentiment about Louis Dejoy.  It only is a fringe red state, and that is because of Fort Bragg.  The military has wised up, and their top leadership has shown Trump's lies are not appropriate.  Only Flynn has become a black sheep, but Mattis and Kelly upchucked and discarded the Trump rhetoric.  The filter or lens of America has become smudged by the lowest common denominator of filth.  If we were millennials it would be too difficult to believe our own country wants to kills us.  Learn a lesson from world history.  They do.  

Monday, February 08, 2021

Conspiratorial Complicity

 I have been blessed in the last few weeks with a return of my sense of taste and smell.  Acutely I remember when I breathed in fungal spores while planting our spring garden.  I was digging in the dirt on my knees, and I inhaled a swath of fungus from the upended soil in our back yard.  Immediately my lungs were filled, and no longer could I feel the capacity and strength of my once strong trumpet-blowing lungs.  Previously and without my awareness as I was walking to empty our slop bucket in the night's darkness, I stumbled through the great web of a large orb weaver spider.  Unbeknownst to me and without malicious intent, this arachnid bit me producing what became a large abscess on my left shoulder.  Over the course of a few days this bite swelled with internal pus, of which I was required to lance continuously until it subsided several months later.  It was not until over a year later I discovered the staph infection this bite provided me.  Combine a fungal infection contracted through your lungs, and a bacterial infection all ready in progress, sprinkle with a little Covid 19 delivered as a biological weapon by low-flying military aircraft.  You get the picture.  This is a scenario for death.  I was lucky enough to have all ready acquired an awareness of these inhibiting infections.  Never had I had two simultaneously.  Probably I would have stumbled through life weak and indeterminate if it had not been for Covid 19.  This pathogen was engineered, and it was engineered by man.  It was not that long ago that biological weapons or "Weapons of Mass Destruction" were in the headlines.  Think back to the year 2002.  Anthrax was was a common foe.  It was easy for the Bush administration to believe Saddam Hussein had stock piled nerve agents for use on his own people.  I asked myself, "What is the most common form of delivery for these agents?"  A high flying bomber hidden in the clouds would not be the correct answer.  If one did intend to administer a biological agent to a populace, how would one do it?  It is a logical question, and it is not paranoid or conspiratorial to ask it.  I have been asking myself for two years, "Why have these aircraft been flying directly over my yard?"  Several days ago I discovered the answer to one of my questions.  Upon seeing the news story on television about the person who was able to infiltrate Andrews Air Force Base and board a C40 aircraft, with this footage was a shot of Air Force One.  Beside the presidential aircraft was another jet.  This aircraft it turns out is the sixty-four million dollar taxi owned by the Air Force for transporting dignitaries.  Dignitary?  Who in the Trump era ever would qualify as a dignitary?  America no longer has dignitaries, and the last one I can surmise is Kofi Annan.  He is deceased.  The slate of probable passengers on the C-37B are:  1.  The President.  2.  The Vice President.  3.  The Secretary of State.  4.  The Secretary of Defense.  5.  The Chairman of the Joints Chief.  When BRAC relocated Ground Forces Command to Fort Bragg, a real estate bubble was created in Fayetteville about the coming generals.  (Evidently this is accurate, as the Air Force secretary was accused of continued sexual assault on one of his female charges)  Some weird rumor had it that these generals were engaged in homosexual behavior.  Who cares?  What is more relevant is this 64 million dollar flying limousine is in constant use, and (like right now) it continues to fly right over the top of my house.  It became apparent to me that it was not just ferrying dignitaries to a from Washington, DC.  It flies in great circles around Fort Bragg, and for many days I could not drive around in Fayetteville without its presence known above me in the sky.  This all sounds lunatic and conspiratorial, but it is true.  To see a Gulfstream jet flying above the trees on Bragg Blvd. is an anomaly.  My intellect said to me in more likelihood it was the Compass Call Command plane, the Army's primary electronic scrambling plane.  When I saw its image on television parked next to Air Force One, it became clear to me.  The Trump presidency will be remembered as the most corrupt, traitorous, and extreme autocratic coup in America's history.  As their Commander-in-Chief and as was proven in the siege on America's Capital, the military is not automatically exempt in complicity with the former President.  As Speaker Pelosi has discovered the enemy is within.  When Secretary Lloyd Austin begins to scrutinize the sprawling military industrial complex seeded on the east coast of America, he and President Biden will find many of the problems of America. 

Sunday, February 07, 2021

Fighter Jet Alley

    The well-coined motto, "History, Heroes, and a Home Town Feeling,"  is a publicity slogan.  Like many of the historical societies which call "DaVille" their home, a group of Fayetteville advocates coined this phrase attempting to personify military life in Cumberland Country.  The Coronavirus pandemic has quelled cultural activity in America.  Any town would have a difficult time expressing its cultural heritage now.  It is prudent to assess other possible assaults on our humanity including physical health.  While Covid 19 is dangerous foe,  other underlying scenarios are contributing to this crisis.  Deaths from Covid have run the gamut of physiology.  Failures of systems have been noted in autopsies.  The lungs are not the only target.  The kidneys, liver, and heart also are being attacked.  When the data from the disease was crunched in a super computer, a simple diagnosis was "leaky blood vessels." Any preexisting infection, fungal, bacterial, or viral are discovered and exacerbated.  Many of those dying from Covid 19  are dying from systemic mycosis, fungal infections which are yet to be discovered and diagnosed.  Global warming is contributing to this phenomenon, because warm moist air promotes the growth of fungi.   Environmental conservation, corporate oversight, and governmental protection are crucial to our health.  Many federal agencies during the Trump presidency were crippled with the appointing of "stooge" leadership, appointees with diametrically opposed values to the agencies with which they were tasked to lead.  Our environment never has been more polluted and industry more unfettered.  The military is no exception.  While BRAC has infused Cumberland County with military dollars, also is has brought with it it's own refuse, pollution which was not here before.  I would like to question the blanketing of our neighborhoods with jet exhaust several times a week.  Above the treeline in  residential neighborhoods, we have become privy to a layer of aircraft exhaust. This layer of smog seems as intended as crop dusting for farmer's fields, but its effect is opposite.  Blanketing Fayetteville neighborhoods in jet exhaust diametrically is opposed to promoting the health of county residents.  In no way will this help the mitigation of a deadly viral pathogen floating in our atmosphere.  Residents of Cumberland County need help, not more environmental obstacles.  

Monday, February 01, 2021


Back when AC Traction first emerged there was a Hollywood metaphor for its effect on us.  Those staunch enough to reject the Northwestern music phenomenon of Grunge, which emerged from Portland and Seattle in the decade of the 90's could resonate with such an appropriate acronym.  F-I-N-E.  I always will remember Brad Pitt explaining this an an interview.  He said when asked about his mental health, that, "We are fine."  This ironically was "freaked out," "insecure," "neurotic," and "emotional."  To the tee these symptoms accurately describe the psychology of a human being subject to the effects of AC Traction.  I contend the entire phenomenon of Grunge, which revealed itself as an emotionally conflicted type of rock music, was instigated by the Union Pacific's investment in and utilization of heavy haul AC traction locomotives for use in the Northern Pacific's logging industry.  They needed specialty tractive strength to navigate long grades and continual demand on a locomotive.  The effects of such a massive creation of almost miraculous proportions have manifested themselves negatively in human culture.  We have seen a continual decline in cognitive efficiency in America since the inception of AC Traction.  Still it remains unstudied either by the EPA, the FRA, or any other governmental oversight agency.  This is not a coincidence.  The huge Washington lobby set the stage for this devolution of American consciousness.  As we are seeing today they could care less about common citizens.  They would rather us be dead and out of their way.  Corporate America has launched an attack on citizens covertly in many diverse sectors.  Monsanto is at the forefront of this dangerous trend, but we have survived assaults by DuPont and others.  it is not unlike other plagues which have beset themselves on common Americans.  The circumstances change and disguise themselves.  Who could know our quest for survival in America in 2021 would culminate in a war against domestic extremism?  It would seem those wanting to kill us are our neighbors.  They know not what they do and are a product of this poisoning of our mental health by the effects of AC traction on the human mind and psyche.  When considering the circumstances which may have contributed to the mass genocide at Columbine High School in Colorado, be aware there were three molybdenum mines in close proximity to this school.  General Electric in its continued quest for market power pioneered the use of AC drives in industry, and the conveyor system they built underneath the ground near Taos, New Mexico was the source of the "Taos Hum."  People enjoyed the conspiratorial aspect of this audial and tactile assault more than desiring an answer for its source.  Necessarily it took several decades for the phenomenon to be solved.  The mine went bankrupt finally after being fined for multiple environmental infractions.  They were put out of business by the markets, which could produce moly at less expense in China.  Neither GE nor Washington ever consented they were complicit in the assault.  Perhaps lawmakers in Washington did not know the real source of this hum.  More likely they were lobbied so strongly they looked the other way, as they are doing with AC locomotive traction.  The "Iron Horse" built America, but also many human sacrifices were given for its rise.  The railroads took no prisoners, because they were sanctioned by money.  When that is the case, the lives of ordinary Americans are expendable.  The lives of both African-Americans and Latinos today are expandable, and the extreme right (which once was the "Alt Right") is the enemy.  These are the same extremists who with ignorance attacked our Capital building on January 6th, 2021.  While no one in America wants to admit their existence, the faction which implemented segregation and its mortal consequences for blacks in the American South are responsible.  Evidently nothing has changed.  They still are here, and the neglect of public education, cultural integrity, civil responsibility, and the necessity of artistic enlightenment has fueled their cause.  Much work is yet to be done to return from this abyss.  The starting point would be the recognition of the dire and dangerous effects of AC traction on mental health.  The human mind, with its reliance upon electricity for alpha, beta, and theta waves creating cognitive and affective responses to external stimuli, is not capable or prepared to overcome such as mass onslaught.  Simply it cannot overcome the adverse effects of low frequency electrical energy.  Man has known the effects of this energy since its inception and wisely has chosen to limit its usage.  Only recently, with a widespread reevaluation of the Electromagnetic Spectrum by Bill Clinton and is subsequent exploitation, has aberrant, unmonitored, and dangerous airborne energy infiltrated our environment.  We have been shouldering the harmful effects of AC Traction incognito in the privacy of our own suffering.  Big Pharma and the medical establishment equally are complicit desiring only to profit from newly discovered maladies.  They sold out the American people years ago.  The sooner we realize we are on our on the more chance we have of recovering.  This in tandem with the overt voice of domestic terrorists is mounting a mindless, nihilistic, anarchistic war on America not unlike other rape and pillages in world history.  It would seem 2021 is our time.