Thursday, October 24, 2019
America's Well Armed Militia
So here I go. I have had some ideas on my mind but not the emotional impetus or mental stamina to formulate a persuasive blog entry. I'm sure this won't be one, but some things must be said. First (the way presidential candidates like to stump). They always make three points when answering a political question prefaced by, "Number one." "Number two." "Number three." With our educational system purposely in shambles, I assume three part answers are all the American people can digest. They also preface their anxiety-laden answers with, "Look." It is ridiculous, because what follows is an aural response they requires no visual acuity. Look at what? It is an example of bad oration, bad public speaking, and bad debating. It is fair to say that the fall of America is occurring, and it is not dissimilar to the Fall of the Holy Roman Empire or early Greek society. It was destined to happen, and now we have it. George Orwell's "1984" is happening about forty years later. Donald Trump is Big Brother. Everything he suggests represents a dismantling and divergence from our United States Constitution. How Congress handles his impeachment will determine the success or failure of the American Dream. Each day we are becoming more desensitized to his ideas of communism and a military dictatorship. Each day, although I do not want to feel this way, the American military becomes a more brainwashed paid fighting force for corporate America. They are trained to follow orders, because the success of winning a war to protect America's freedom is contingent upon mindlessly following orders. The disparity of this methodology is, while protecting your wingman is crucial in battle, American patriotism has become an anachronism. The entire philosophy, the ethos, and the driving force behind military service has disintegrated with the inauguration of Donald Trump as our president. Patriotism, the sentiment of country, is defunct without a Commander in Chief who understands the United States Constitution, freedom, and the American Dream. Social and economic mobility are results of these postulates. America has no example or leadership for patriotism, because our president is a sociopathic liar, a backseat dictator, and a draft dodger. Our president is a metaphor for the antithesis of the United States Constitution, and we should be afraid. Our freedom is in jeopardy. Donald Trump is Big Brother, and the media is mindlessly has been following the same course. Big Brother is real, and he is here. One effective solution to this trend is establishing the checks and balances our Constitution requires. It is imperative that regulation of private business be reestablished, and not by private businessmen masquerading as American leaders. Perhaps the idea of politicians as policy makers and enforcers is antiquated. Perhaps the American system has failed in a grievous way, and private citizens working for government have failed uphold their commitments to the populace. Like the American military it is easy to get distracted, especially when someone as bold as Donald Trump lies so diligently. If you say it enough, eventual it will become truth. This is the methodology of Big Brother, and it is happening. I wish I could feel safe surrounded by the fighting soldiers of the United States Army, but I don't. I don't, because I do not think they possess the intellectual prowess or emotional empathy to understand for whom they should be fighting. To them it is just a job. I believe that is the sentiment of the American people in general. We are not intellectually capable of understanding patriotism and how it works. There is little to love of America except distant memories. We need short term events which become memories to keep our Republic afloat. Big Brother's plan is to eradicate the historical, conceptual, and philosophical tenants of America held in our Constitution. America needs to know that someone has our back. We have yet to become a militaristic oligarchy, a dictatorship, or a communist regime. We are strikingly close to such an entity. My plan was to point this out, and I have. My heartfelt duty is to harp on how America has cheated her people. Not only are we being neglected through amateur healthcare, we are being poisoned by tainted foods, and murdered by environmental pollution. People are dying all around me. Fayetteville is a huge cemetery for those who cannot withstand the fighting methods of the United States army. Each day a rich sampling of environmental pollution besets the unaware citizens of Cumberland County. The worst is what I call the "Fayetteville Death Ray." I will leave it to those in charge appropriately to acknowledge in actuality what this is. To my knowledge it is a low frequency wave, either alternating current or electromagnetic which turns on and off at will and responds to aural and emotional energy. I have known of this entity for many years, and while I tried to escape its grasp living in the hull of a cruise ship in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, it was present there. It emanates from Cumberland County there is no doubt. There is no way, with the great masquerade of Ground Forces Command, to pinpoint what it is. There are too many choices with soldiers training for war so close. Whether it is phased array radar, acoustical targeting, AC traction, Navy sonar, or the rest, it is killing people. The cumulative effect of all of this fighting technology has become too much for the biologically weak, and innocent citizens in close proximity to Fort Bragg are dropping like flies. We are dying, and it is not the purpose of the United States Army to kill those who live close by. I am sure any member of the Joints Chief of Staff would say otherwise. We are expendable for the good of America, but America no longer belongs to Americans. It belongs to Donald Trump and his foreign cronies. The reason why we can't get rid of guns to lessen murderous violence in America, is because no one trusts the American government including the NRA. If we do not have our guns, there is nothing stopping America from becoming a military dictatorship like our southern neighbors. A well armed militia is our last line of defense.
Tuesday, October 01, 2019
Stupid Presidents
It is difficult to discern whether our former presidents are as stupid as their presidential actions. The more I learn about recent American history, the more I realize the United States is embroiled in a major crisis of leadership, control, and survival. Who was the last honest president? The answer must be Jimmy Carter, because when you look at the cumulative legislative history of the rest the reason for our dire circumstances becomes clear. It is mind blowing. The ramification of Bill Clinton's decisions are what we are living today. I supported this man when he ran in the early 1990's, because he seemed sincere. Sincerity is no match for effective lobbying. It would seem most presidents are at the beckon call of corporate America. Why in the year 2019 are we paying these ridiculous inflated prices for cable service? The reason is Bill Clinton. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was the foundation of the American economy today. We all know what it is. Internet technology has taken over, and with that take over and this piece of legislation a media monopoly has been created not unlike George Orwell's predictive "Big Brother." There even is a TV show named this. This law which was supposed to create competition in wireless communications instead paved the way for corporate mergers concentrating the flow of America's information into the hands of a few media moguls. This law destroyed the music industry, and it has yet to recover. Ken Burns is doing a masterful job pointing out this atrocity. Bill Clinton, a singular president, single-handedly shifted the American economy into the hands of the internet technology sector. Consequently we have nothing else. As the ceiling is approached on the possibilities of wireless innovation, America should have been looking for other commodities. Traditional ones would have been a good place to start. Instead of paying off farmers, shorting American workers in favor of a cheap foreign work force, and lining the pockets of a select few we could have been shoring up America. The puppet strings are so thick no one in America has liberty anymore. How could it have been a good idea to concentrate the flow of media and information into the hands of a small controlling group of moguls? Classical music sales died overnight. Music TV was dismantled in favor of reality TV which instead of paying trained actors exploits the average citizen. Hip Hop, the last rebellious non conformist music entity died by its own bullets not unlike how jazz died at the bottom of a whiskey bottle. It was replaced with the most conformist, average, benign music imaginable. Big Brother securely placed his hands on the shoulders of the millennial generation and said, "Do what I say. Get in debt. Get stupid. Ignore reality." We have yet to recover. Extremism walked into America through this concentrated contingency of control. True America, rebellious and questioning America never knew what hit them. Now it is undeniable that America is under siege, and grave, dire, and possibly violent means will be needed to restore a balance of power. This generation is not familiar with the severity of political infighting. Yes we see petty bickering in Washington, DC, but what we don't see is that same spin machine manufacturing chaos to keep us distracted from the real enemies, politicians. When was the last time we had an assault on our worthless leaders? I believe it was a Republican softball game. Instead of targeting America's real enemies, mentally incompetent pawns are being recruited to incite chaos among the general public. Even as such our leaders have been unable to provide any leadership. There is no new gun control legislation. There is no climate change legislation. America is spinning backwards in a frightening vortex threatening the very existence of Earth's seeming most powerful nation. The majority of these consequences have been at the pens of such useless presidents. Who gave Bill Clinton the right to decide that previously designated dangerous frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum should now become available for auction to wireless telecommunication companies? There was nothing wrong with our previous system. The Bell company grew too large to promote competition in its sector, so Washington was prudent enough to break it up. Then Bill Clinton and George W. Bush turned around and handed America to a select few of extremist ruling oligarchs. It is a crisis of major proportions, because this faction is in no way concerned with the longevity of our country. They are trying to destroy it for the sake of our envious, recalcitrant, and vindictive enemies. Russia, China, and the rest have sneaked in our back door and have been calling the shots for a long time. It is time for America to recover and to recreate a balanced, fair, and secure nation which is profitable to all citizens. We cannot become a third world county, because if we do civil war is imminent.
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