Sunday, March 25, 2018
The N.R.A.
One question has yet to be answered. Who are the NRA? It is a difficult question. We might be able to learn from Dr. Michael Burry's example. He read the mortgages. Is it possible to read the roster of this civil rights organization? From the small amount of research I have done, they are a pro gun organization with three million members. I have been trying to figure out who these people are. If their lobby is so strong in Washington, there must be some heavy hitters in their league. This question is simple. Who in America believes that citizens should be able to possess assault weapons? I am guessing the term assault weapon is a generalization in the view of the NRA. They must be fundamentalists who are staunch supporters of our American Constitution. Americans have the right to bear arms, because our history (as are the histories of most nations) is littered with war. When war presents itself as a metaphor for our freedom, we must fight. This is a postulate of survival. Therefore a no gun America is not and never will be an option. Our own militias defeated the British to earn our freedom from imperialist rule. It is naive to think that America or any nation could exist without protections. Australia is a nice pipe dream, but who has been there? Australia is not America. It was a British penal colony truly that is hidden down under. Other than recently discovered minerals, they produce no products. Therefore their global influence is minimal. I respect them for banning guns, and I laud their result, much less violence. Australia is not America. We are guaranteed the right to possess guns for our own protections. The issue is how to we keep these guns, often killing machines on steroids, away from our youth. Further how do we keep these killing machines on steroids away from our youth who suffer from acute mental illness. I do believe that the probability of violence is less if their were fewer guns. Never will this happen in the United States, so we must accept it. The question once again is who are the NRA? Who feels Americans should be able to possess assault weapons, weapons formerly made available to our armed forces to protect America in case of war? Does the NRA believe that it is likely America will be invaded from the North or the South? While we have fought Mexico, most Americans probably would agree that we will not see an invasion of America from either country, Mexico or Canada. The GNP of Canada is weed. Sixty percent of their economy comes from the growing of Cannabis. Do we really feel threatened by South America? Ronnie did. Those damn Commie bastards running drugs in Central America. Please. The likelihood of a domestic invasion in America demanding we defend ourselves with assault weapons is marginal. Strike one. The remaining answer is that assault style weapons will be used to defend ourselves against our own government. That is ironic. If this is the philosophy of the NRA, then it is ironic that they lobby the very body of people against whom they will be fighting eventually. Trump's head is spinning. This is what leads me to believe that the NRA is a shell organization. It is a facade. The real answer is no one cars about who will use assault weapons. They only care that the AR-15 is the biggest selling gun in American history. That means that the goons who support assault weapons never have thought about its implications to mentally challenged teens. They could care less. All they know is the selling of these weapons is making them money. Thus the definition of current American Capitalism has been cemented. We are not smart enough of a nation to think through any philosophical issue, because it only matters that we earn enough money to support our greed. Greed is all that America has become. The NRA is the gun industry, and they sell guns however they can. It is that simple, and they are not that smart. It is like Fayetteville, rednecks with money. There is no point in trying to argue with stupid.
Friday, March 23, 2018
The Nation of Child Genocide
I don't feel like writing at all. My last two nights of sleep have been torturous. Now I don't mind the sounds of the bombs bursting in air. Finally the local news reported a story confirming the Marines are in Fayettenam. No surprise there. They come twice a year, and you know it. Is their activity related to my torturous sleep? "Yes and No," as Wayne Shorter might say. When Army men are returning from deployment they fly in covertly at night. Their flight path is directly over our house. Yea! When I can't sleep, and I keep feeling constant vibration through the roof. Well, you can "Imagine," as John Lennon might. Living underneath an airport flight path. "Get 'er done. Get it done." The bombs now are a comfort, like they were this morning when multiple diesel/electric locomotives were operating in close proximity. It begins at 5:00 a.m., and it continues most of the day. When am I supposed to sleep? Ask the CEO of CSX-T or Norfolk Southern. No one regulates their industry. They operate with impunity protected by the Interstate Commerce Commission. I'll bet not a millennial has heard of this body. If and when I criticize either of these organizations, they punish me more. "Think this is bad, sonny? Take some of this." As my broken record repeats, whence is this disturbia coming? Disturbia is a film staring Shia Lebuff. That is an interesting name. Evidently he allowed himself to be raped as part of his art exposition. We have multiple choices here in 'Nam. Honeycutt Marshalling Yard, Fort Bragg, NC. River Terminal, Fayetteville, NC. DAK, Americas, Cedar Creek Rd., NC. Milan Yard, Fayetteville, NC. Downtown where the Aberdeen and Rockfish, the N&S, and CSX-T SHARE a small switching yard. Take your pick. Trains galore, and it begins at 5:00 a.m. Most people think I am crazy, but musicians are more sensitive to sound and thus low frequency vibration. Sound is vibration. How about sound and vibration you can't actually hear? Oh yea! Conspiracy. No, the root cause of many illnesses still yet undetermined. Undetermined. Enough of that. I feel like shit thanks to this. My sleep pattern and thus happiness are relegated by rail companies. Here comes another wonderful flying apparatus now. At least I can hear and maybe see them. I am reflecting on the history of America. That is stark and painful at most. Slavery. Racism. Enough of that. I am reflecting on the philosophy of America. For what do we stand? Does anyone know? Can anyone say? We are imperious. We have gone to war for South Korea and South Viet Nam. We have gone to war for and against Iraq and for Afghanistan. We fought the Spaniards. We fought Mexico. We fought the British. We fought ourselves. When did America lose track of her charter and the Constitution? When did we lose track of our Declaration of Independence? Now Americans should be declaring their independence from Washington, DC. I can't think of one mission statement from Washington that remotely is related to the charter of the United States. Build a border wall to keep out Mexican immigrants? Please. Washington, DC imports the majority of drugs into the U.S. Washington created ISIS and all of its preceding factions. We are at war with ourselves, because the defense industry is raping Americans. They have to create altercation to justify their industry, an industry of war. I have a simple question. Does anyone in America truly believe that our armed forces, if asked, would support the American people over Washington, DC? In Washington is their chain of command. Their jobs are dependent upon W., not Bush W., but Washington W. I am surrounded by the military on all sides. While I do not scorn them, I cannot trust a body of individuals how are indoctrinated to take orders from a chain of command originating in W., especially with Dump as the Commander in Chief. What evidence do we have as a nation that our armed forces will or are capable of protecting the American people domestically? By domestically I mean on our native soil. In America. Here. Would we need hundreds of thousands of troops and munitions. Simply put, neither the police force or the United States military have been able to protect innocent black men or our school children from genocide. That is not comforting. When is the last time you can remember when the military was engaged in a domestic dispute? Kent State? What happened? The National Guard was deployed and they killed innocent protesting college students. What happened in Waco, Texas? The most recent memory we have of any issue on a domestic level was 9/11. Hundreds of local police and fire fighters swarmed the twin towers and were killed in its collapse. That was and is a tragedy. Was it smart? You can live or die, and some choose to die in blind allegiance to our flag. What history of success does America have in protecting her people? Islamic suicide bombers infiltrated American air space and flew planes into the World Trade Center towers. This would not have happened if the original W. had not been President. Our most recent history has been the most incompetent politicians have been elected President. What does this say about America? We have lost faith in the system? No one cares enough to vote? Party specific gerrymandering has run rampant. Our court system has become partisan and corrupt? Dump won the American Presidency losing the popular vote by three million votes. How is this possible? What is the electoral college, and who are its representatives? Is it fair? The answer is unequivocally, "No" if Dump won the Presidency. Luckily the stench of this corruption is noisome, and local state attorneys have caught wind. Lawsuits have been filed, and the Democratic National Party is rallying its troops. We need this. I don't trust this nation. I can't have blind allegiance to a nation which in my lifetime has not proven its honesty and value. Our political system now elects representatives who represent only themselves. Somehow the governing body of America has become its own entity no longer representing those that attempt to vote for them. The system has become so corrupt that citizens have turned their cheeks. Downward has America spiraled. It is difficult to find anything good about America. We cannot protect our own school children from genocide.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Growth for the Sake of Progress
There are a lot of questionable professions in America. Certainly the most questionable is that of a Wall Street Broker, a yuppie sitting in an ivory tower buying and selling companies. Never have I really experienced this phenomenon until now. You must be older to have seen some things like your hometown being whored out like a two bit hooker. Oops. What did I mean? I mean at a certain point in life, a particular generation has something to say. This is not new. It was quite a while back when unethical Wall Street brokers began breaking America's balls. Suddenly pensioned long time employees not far from retirement were cast out with nary a thought. Devoted, diligent, loyal employees who had been working at companies for twenty-five years looking forward to a reasonable retirement income were flicked aside with the fickle middle finger of an up-and-coming Wall Street broker. How is it possible that a small faction of wieners somehow became entrusted with the lives of American workers? Who gave these men the right to terminate valuable employment and their pensions so they could make a buck? It is unconscionable that what is purportedly the "Greatest County in the World" has empowered such an undeserving few, Wall Street wieners. Dicks. Pricks. Cocks. Assholes. What kind of Congress could adjust legislation to allow such a peanut gallery, a theater of the absurd, or a pack of entitled trust fund babies to control the economy of America? Hank Paulson? John Snow? What kind of country disrespects here citizens, turns on them, and tries to annihilate them with covert biological weapons, biological weapons that are so obvious that no one seems to notice. The "Bird Flu." "Flynt, Michigan." Chemours. Cancer. There is no need for WMD. They all ready exist in mother nature. All evil has to do is discover and use them. We have been poisoning Americans for decades, probably centuries. Cleaning solvents released into the earth. By products of nuclear energy production. Tailings from chemical plants. Why don't we collect the feces and urine of farm animals and spray it on our crops releasing it into the air for precipitation to carry hundreds of miles. Welcome to "Hog Alley." Welcome to North Carolina, one of the fastest growing states in our union. My question is, "Why do we need to grow?" Adults stop growing. Eventually they have a say. Eventually they get to stop being parents, and if America were operating correctly then they could live the rest of their lives in security, peace, and happiness. That is not the case. North Carolinians in particular are subject to unwanted growth. The last thing I need is new growth, a growth on my back, a growth on my lung, a growth in my liver, or new foreigners in our town. I am not anti-immigration. The majority of immigrants during America's formative years were not Mexican. Probably they were not Asian, while there were some "Coolies" working for plantation owners. At that time these cultures were viewed as inferior and thus subservient. Ouch. "Put them wet backs and Coolies to work!" The history of America is not pretty, and we continue to disguise what really is happening today. It is the same. Why do we need growth, if America still was operating efficiently? She isn't. That is why we need "growth." Growth. Growth is real estate developers coming into long standing North Carolina towns and buying up every available parcel of land. With very little respect for their historical infrastructure, such as Fayetteville, buy up every parcel of land and develop it. Put whatever new thing you see fit there and call it growth. Katrina may be the best example. If its Ninth Ward was destroyed, a low income region populated with ethnicity, why not replace it with LUXURY housing? Let's venture to downtown Fayetteville, a drug-infested, low income, ghetto and build LUXURY condominiums. Yea! Great idea. So has it been for ages. Let's draw an economic line of demarcation so stark and insulting that no community could survive it. Let's build the "Gold Coast," an upper class neighborhood directly adjacent to Savoy Heights. Built a wooden fence to separate the two. Let's build LUXURY housing in New Orleans in a place that once was the home for everyone. Our coast, other than having become a military zone for practice maneuvers, has succumbed to the same ill. Take our formerly down home, rural, and grass roots coast line, a coast line defined culturally by Pat Conroy, and destroy it and build LUXURY townhomes for the rich to visit a few weeks a year. There is something wrong with that, and Eminent Domain created it. That little nugget of W. created legislation not only allows the government to take your property for public use, but allows it to take you property for private enterprise. This legislation is so Socialist, so Communist, it makes Obama look like Mother Teresa. Socialist? Barak Obama was not a Socialist, and those shouting such are thing are the stark raving mad culprits. Looking for the enemy in America, looks at those shouting from atop a soap box. Communism has found its way into America, and it began with W. We do not need to look for terrorism in Iraq. Iraq only was a diversion to keep the American people distracted from Wall Street. My question is, why not build affordable housing? Why does it always have to be LUXURY? I hate luxury, sterile furnishings, stiff fabrics, fake prints, and establishment. If anyone were to take a moment and look at humanity, the human cause, and happiness they will see that the life that has been created in America is the antithesis of instinctual, loving, and thoughtful living. It is shallow, short-sighted, and unfulfilling. That is because the few simple things that we need to by happy are not high dollar, like sterile furnishings, stiff fabrics, take prints, and establishment. The faction has worked long and hard to make us believe these things have value, like an iPhone. The value of commodities. That has been the ruse of Wall Street for the last two decades. Make America think their commodities are valuable and thus devalue things that have real value like music. Is it implausible that these grass roots things, textiles, furniture, crafts, music, and agriculture may once again be understood for their innate value to human beings. Believe me in the near future they will. When hellfire rains down on earth and when solar flares destroy our network of satellites, priorities will be reordered. The physician who bet against the American economy in 2008 all ready knows this, and he has made his choice. Potable water. Take a good hard look at who is polluting our water, and why it may become more valuable in time. Our campaign slogan. "Let's destroy it and sell it to them." I think real estate developers must be the lowest scum on earth. Again my question is, why do we need growth. If our system was working the way it always has been, then we would be in good shape. Then came "Globalization." Wall Street and Bill Clinton sold out the American people for the American people. He got himself elected, and empowered Wall Street to raze America. We will not recover.
Friday, March 16, 2018
The "Faction"
I think best when I am sleeping. For me sleeping is a rarity. Sleep is what allows your body's immune system to operate. Sleep also is when short term memories are turned into long term memories. Sleep deprivation is a common tactic of torture. Not much more is necessary. Deprive any sane human being of sleep, and they will be reduced to vapor in a few days. I cherish sleep when it comes, even if it makes me tired during the day. I think best when I am sleeping. My first thought is what an arrogant ass Quincy Jones is. Yes, he is rich because he produced "Off the Wall" and "Thriller." This and only this is what catapulted Quincy Jones to celebrity. A competent arranger and composer who represents the African-American film aesthetic does not a celebrity make. His work in film is worthy of praise, and in his own words scoring the music for "The Color Purple" created a nervous breakdown for him. Film music in general does not create celebrity. Film music in particular is a sleeper. While John Williams continues to promulgate this ripe venue for musical expression, most film composers dwell in public obscurity. Q. does not. Q. now is a celebrity, and he dated Ivanka. [sic] What bothers me in his most recent interview is how dementia manifests itself. He and Donald Trump officially are geriatrics. Dementia in my experience only is an extension of the normal and reasonable irrational outbursts of frustrated people. Women in my experience seem to suffer from this more than men. Even if I have been tortured with lack of sleep, am suffering from withdrawal from alcohol, or just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, never do I lie. Never do I make up stories to justify my current state of being. If I feel like crap, then I have no reason to project it on anyone else. It won't help. I know this, because I am an educated person. Immature people do this. Women in my experience also do this. It is a woman thing. "You eat too much." "You left the freezer door open." In reality it is you who eats too much or left the freezer door open, and in the geriatric mind saying it out loud no matter if it is the wrong person, solidifies the concept. You get used to it. Oldspeak. You did this. You did that. Just think of it as vice versa. Quincy said some brazen things that are laced with dementia and braggadocio. He is not unlike Miles Davis or Wynton Marsalis. Miles may not have been a racist, but listening to his words may make you feel that way. He was the same as Q. He (they) say what they think, but everything they say is not necessarily true. That is a stretch for me, listening to lies. If anything I have learned in my life it is to be truthful. Humanity seeks the truth, because truth provides righteousness. Truth cuts through the B.S., the ever piling B.S. of our society, and provides a path to justice. That justice depends on our system of justice in the United States, and in recent years those processes and representatives have fallen prey to the full hand of lobbyists. That includes SCOTUS, a pop culture acronym for the Supreme Court of the United States. They no longer are that supreme. Instead they are bought and paid for like the rest of Washington. I can't be surprised if in my lifetime every single principle I have learned from a quality public education would be challenged by a lop-sided, nepotistic, sociopathic Washington. Truth no longer reigns in our society as a virtue. Instead the accumulation of wealth is held in high esteem. I would like to suggest among many other things on my mind, that the longer that money sits laundered and sheltered in Grand Cayman and Swiss banks, the more is depreciates in value. Capitalism is based upon the exchange of money. Money freely must circulate in a series of trades to be valuable. For it to maintain worth, it must be traded. I don't mean on Wall Street. Suits in New York towers at the top of the food chain with no penchant for middle America have no chance of success. The numbers game, in Capitalism, in based upon actual currency. Currency must be traded, and it must be traded for worthy goods. The operative word here is worthy. Is an iPhone worthy? Is it worth something other than to pop culture adolescents who have been brain washed by American television advertising? The answer is of course not. An iPhone is not worth anything, and yet Tim Cooke has made Apple one of the worlds richest companies. It defies logic and Steve Jobs' vision. Has Apple contributed to American Capitalism other than exploiting it for its own gain? Again the answer is of course not, just like Bill Gates has not contributed to American Capitalism other than taking from it. The rest of the country, the majority of Americans are poor and just getting by. The Middle Class quickly has disappeared, because Washington is controlled by the lobbyists of big money. Big money is the new God. America will fall when Jesus makes his second appearance on earth, or it will fall sooner. Jesus may all ready be here with Satan, and that I believe. At first I thought Satan was in W., but then it just keeps going, getting more corrupt and absurd. For money to have value it must circulate. The longer Apple's money sits sheltered in overseas accounts, the more it loses value, because there is no Capitalism occurring to reinforce its worth. Wall Street is not enough, and we have seen it fail time and time again. Still Washington does not learn, and our recent Congress wants to ease banking regulations enacted to watchdog the wrong-doings of Wall Street which are rampant. Until this regime is extruded from the White House, America has no chance. The smell of the rotting money of Apple's is no surprise. There are so many possibilities of righting wrong. "Fight Club" had its solution, and perhaps it was not a bad one. "V" had its solution, and perhaps it was not a bad one. God has a solution, and it is predicted in the Book of Revelations. Fire will come from the sky (a comet), and fire will bellow from the oceans (volcanoes). God will appear and those who have accepted Him will be resurrected, the living and the dead. The rest, those currently controlling America, will be left on the smoldering earth with their worthless money to fight for their lives in the scenario only they have created. If they had accepted God as the savior of humanity, then they would have had a chance at immortal life. Instead this faction has chosen the short life on earth as their torch. That is human culpability, the things about which Jesus taught during His time on earth. America systematically has attempted to eradicate God from our consciousness against the wishes of our Founding Fathers. They knew that God was key to a successful nation. I would assume all of our Founding Fathers are turning over in their graves, and it won't be long before another civil or revolutionary war transpires. For money to be of value there must be commodities of value. Those commodities all ready have been defined in American society. No matter how Tim Cook tries, Apple cannot redefine the needs of Americans. They can try. They can produce misleading advertising, such American car commercials. They can produce brainwashing propaganda and sell it to theaters to play before feature films. These films by the way no longer are actual films. They are digital renderings, and the conversion to digital has enabled Big Brother to interject its own message in a venue once reserved for artistry and anti establishment political activism. Corporate monopolies always have been unhealthy, and yet systematically America has lessened regulation allowing these awkward, top-heavy, pork-laden grease pots to fester. It won't be long before Big Brother is ruling America, and it will be by Mother. If the money in overseas banks does not begin to flow again back into America and to the middle and lowers classes, we will die. The faction that who has chosen this short life as their torches will meet Satan and continue their hedonistic lifestyle in Hell. It is unfortunate but not surprising that in my lifetime I am forced to reckon with this ill. Perhaps it occurs in everyone's lifetime, but one does not see it until they get older and are not engaged in the requirements of early life. When you get older you have nothing to lose. Retirement. Over fifty percent of Americans have none. What do we have to lose? The commodities which built America are the same, and they are not the iPhone. They are food, clothing, and shelter. They are goods related to the human experience. They are amenities which make life livable. Q. spoke like an arrogant ass, much the way Miles sounded when he talked. Then I learned to take what they say as braggadocio. Miles said in an interview he never suffered, and yet he kicked heroin cold turkey in a room over his father's garage. Q. said he dated Ivanka. Q. said the Beatles were terrible musicians, but if you compared the Beatles catalog to The King of Pop's, why did Michael by the Beatles catalog? Studying with Nadia Boulanger does not in itself make you a musical scholar. Yes George Gershwin and Herbie Hancock also studied with Ms. Boulanger, but no longer does that ensure you will become a celebrity composer such as George Gershwin. Evidently Q. feels he has arrived. "Everything I have done has been stellar," he said. That is some ego. The jokes on you when you go back and listen and realize it was not. He made you listen and pay attention, but that will not sustain the test of time. American advertising and the faction controlling America could take a lesson in longevity. The earth is meant to provide for the populace, not just your greedy asses.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
The Dump Show
The B.S. is so absurd, we can't watch anymore. Know when you watch the evening news on television or read the news on the web, approach with caution. Skepticism is besticism. The Socratic Method should apply. Approach with disdain or even contempt, because like telemarketing calls interrupting at dinner time, likely it is spam. There is accurate news to be read on them internets, but now one must ripple through menus to find it. The top hits are chosen by the Big I's. (The big internets) They have learned to manipulate data to sell advertising. Big whoop. How can a free program be worth billions? Oh yes, by being bought and paid for by the mob. Nothing new about that. Now is Russian. The mob left New York City at Rudy's behest and went East. Being bought and paid for by the mob is nothing new. It is common. Not unusual for an American company to sell out to the mob for $$$. Rex got fired for it. "The Russians were responsible for the nerve agent attempted assassination attack in the U.K. Mr. Secretary said it, and Mr. Putin said, "Rex has to go." Plane and simple. Simple and thimple. Planes going down. Mr. Tillerson's went down in the most disrespectful way, just like Dan Rather. It's abhorrent. A notable public figure and scholar, a lifetime of reputable achievement, and in the great American way the establishment hobbles them. They go out with broken ankles until enough times passes that they may forget. It hasn't happened with Dan. Brian was there in the helicopter. The establishment is fickle. Mr. Tillerson bowed out with respect, something not shown to him by our resident. He's not a President. He is a resident of the shite house. (By the way Steely Dan sucks) Not really, but that is a funny post. Chic went out of the Disco craze overnight. It's funny how the establishment can choose the winners in the losers, except for Roy Moore and apparently Mr. Saccone. The Democratic Party is becoming energized, and it is wonderful. They wanted $100.00 from my mother. Everything that comes out of Dump's mouth is prescripted spin. Who can listen? We are approaching the boiling point, the point where American society, our country, will regress to its former conspiracy. Oh, conspiracy to own slaves who work for free. The rich own everything and run the show. All ready we are there and have been for a long time. Each time I hear of yet another rate hike by Duke Energy, PWC, insurance, or taxes, Americans are forced further into poverty. How can anyone justify any kind of rate hike? Wages for Americans have been stagnant largely because of the absence of union activism. With stagnant wages, each rate hike forces us further into poverty. When the poverty becomes so severe and working people are desperate, action should be taken. Not that long ago Sinn Fein and the IRA were in the Reuters News Summary. Now that Rupert and Warren control the news, any news suggestive of positive change and its origins is stifled. That is Big Brother. Michael Collins would walk the streets with the big men, the Big I's, and when someone stepped out of line, insulted the people, or was patronizing and indignant.... Justice. Trump walks around like no other President having forgotten history. Because he is the mob, he is not worried about a contract. They protect him. It would be so easy, and yet each and every day we are insulted by this orange-headed Alabama Governor selling Pappy O'Daniel's flour. It will go down in history if America survives. Trump is just a show. That is all Trump ever wanted, to be on television. Let him run amuck with his pubescent hi jinx while the real damage is being done via Wall Street. I didn't intend to slander the D. I decided to empty my mind of all of the absurdity that is transpiring. Every day a new insult, like no on in America pays attention, distracted by their own meager lives. No future, no money, no happiness.
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