Sunday, November 22, 2009
America's Closeted Fascism
Upon perusal of America’s ports it would become readily apparent America has no exports. Under the blanket of George W. Bush’s closeted Fascism, the majority of America’s products were “outsourced” to what then was believed to be the “Bridge to the New Millennium.” Two “Clintonian” concepts failed, and both failures were unmerited. Bill Clinton’s North American Free Trade Association and Hillary Clinton’s Universal Health Care Plan both found political deaths for similar reasons. The social landscape was not ready for either. In South America the lifestyle of peasant Mexico was not prepared for a “sweat shop” style of mass production practiced by Asian children. The realization of quickly produced product at a budget price failed and the peso collapsed. The venture capital invested by Wall Street evaporated like the bubbles created by the Internet, over-valued housing, and easy credit in North America. Many South Americans lost their money and their lives. America’s elite were not ready to have their lifestyles and fortunes compromised by a Socialist concept that guaranteed the common man equal health insurance. Ten years later America’s elite still is not ready for a compromise of lifestyle, but America’s majority-elected black president is trying to achieve the same goal. It is both a compliment and an insult that Hillary Clinton accepted Barack Obamas’s nomination as Secretary of State. Posthumously Hillary’s Universal Health Care proposal was found to be nothing more than a memo sent via E-Mail. Socializing one of America’s most wealth-producing private industries was a task daunting to the most accredited academics. No one is sure she even asked for help with the task. Barack Obama’s “Public Option” health care reform bill seems to be even more misunderstood. The only glimpse the public has seen is that it intends to offer a health insurance option to those now uninsured, and it seeks to curb the exponential inflation in American health care costs. Because America no longer seems to desire the manufacturing of goods that could be exported, the income earned from the workers producing those products cannot be spent on health insurance. In a nutshell America’s Closet Fascism has been created. There is no need to create death camps with gas chambers at Auschwitz. In America globalization or the diversion of our Gross National Product to potentially more lucrative foreign economies accomplishes the same goal. We have created domestic poverty. With the bleeding of our monetary lifeblood we have created an inability to diagnose, treat, and heal our human iniquities necessary to maintain a capable and potent work force. With no income comes no health insurance, and Big Brother does not care. In a continuation of George W. Bush’s elitist, unethical, propagandist dogma the neglect of America’s people continues in a trend only that can represent Nazi Germany’s arrogant invasion of Europe. It stealthy is being achieved not unlike the multi-national prophecy of the onset of Armageddon. The year 2012 quickly is approaching, and no one seems to believe the impending second coming of Jesus Christ is worth mentioning. The end of America as we know it is more fathomable, yet conservative pundits continue to bark on national television about Barack Obama’s Socialism. What he seems to be offering in a “Public Option” is not the ultimate death of the privatized health care industry. It, like the United States Post Office, is meant to offer an unaffordable alternative for those in America that cannot afford UPS or FedEx. The success of the USPO is iconic, and while sometimes it is a struggle it remains a pinnacle of a tried and true America value. How could affordable public health care be less? Instead of assuring your letter or parcel will get to your loved one on time, Obama’s “Public Option” would assure uninsured Americans will not die when they contract swine flu, HIV, or cancer. No extremist right wing political news organization can say this is an evil idea. They can only say it is un-Capitalist. With the election of George W. Bush to the American presidency, Capitalism was out-sourced years ago. For America’s populace to survive the new millennium, the lower and middle class need an influx of progressive political ideology that unfortunately may tax the rich. We deserve the Constitution’s ideals, and when they methodologically are being revoked by elitist America, Barack Obama is needed.
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